Monday, July 14, 2008

true love never dies

In 50 years I hope to be just as in love as my grandparents were today. :)

My Pawpaw told me about how my Mawmaw had red high heel shoes on when they first met, "and a red dress too!" ... and how he thought, "I'd like to marry a girl like that." ... and then he said "and I did! I got to marry a girl like that." ... awwwwwwww now HOW adorable is he?? Really??

Please note how he said he "GOT" to marry a girl like that. He considered it a privilege. And that my friend is how it should be...always.

She told me about when he proposed and how he still remembers certain special moments from thier past, like the time they first met, and how thoughtful that was of him.... She said, "People will never forget the thoughtful things you do for them." How true.

I am actually blessed to be dating a guy that remembers those little important things- the time we first held hands, the DATE we first kissed, the time we first cuddled, the first movie we watched, etc. etc. ... I am a lucky girl :)

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