Friday, January 22, 2010

Signs I am slowly losing it!

So guys, as most of you may know, I am slowly losing it! --> My sanity that is! :-P

Y'all seem to get a kick out of the stupid things I do from day to day so I thought I'd make a post about it! haha... and of course I'll add things as the days go on! ;)

And, to make myself feel better, we'll just start with the thing I did yesterday, and go from there. Sound good? Great! So here it goes...something I'd like to call:

How to know if you're losing it:
  1. You forget to shave one of your legs, and wear capris.
  2. You iron a pair of dirty sweat pants -- before you realize they're dirty, and that they're sweat pants! 
More to come, of course... Stay tuned! haha

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