Friday, March 12, 2010

Total randomness

The past two weeks have been CRAZY busy! Last night, at about 11:45pm, as I was on my way back to my apartment after almost six hours of "class", a staff meeting, finishing up RA selection stuff, and finally getting dinner it hit me: I'm done! (For the week at least!) It just felt so so soo good to not have anything to do.

Alex came to see me today in Hickory and brought Baby with him! Poor them... she threw up in his car on the way! :( (She does that from time to time, still.) I love love love having her, well them :), here with me! We three spent the entire day being completely lazy and I absolutely loved it! He stayed with her while I had a group meeting and had to run some errands. I hate leaving her here by herself because this isn't her normal environment and I've heard her do that doggie cry after I left her alone in my apartment. That KILLS me!  But anyways, us girls are having a sleepover tonight and will probably spend all day tomorrow packing because tomorrow I get to come home for an entire week for Spring Break! I am really looking forward to not having plans, getting to lounge most of the time, getting to see some friends and family, and just get some R&R at home! :) Wow I can definitely tell I'm getting older. I was going to say.. "I'll get to spend my days relaxing with Alex" but I am wishing and hoping and praying that he gets this job he has been interviewing for!

Side note: I must say that Alex has really made me proud. He graduated in May & since then has been patiently waiting for God to place him where He wants him to be & has really been strong at staying patient and staying faithful! I know God will place him in an awesome job soon. Wherever that is, I know it'll be right! :)

Now, RA selection stuff is over (*sigh of relief*), I got an A on my stats test this week!!! & I am 2 completed projects closer to the end of the semester! That feels great!! Let me be honest and say: I bombed the crap out of that stats test! I felt SO horrible about it as I left the classroom that day. I made a whopping 69 on the test! The crazy thing is...the highest grade on the test was an 83, and my 69 curved to an A!!! I was praising Jesus because there's no way in the world I deserved that grade! Alex said, "I hated people like you in college," haha!! I vow to study more for the next test, even though we are given that miraculous grading curve!

 Now, it's Thursday night, the Thursday night before Spring Break, and I'm pretty sure it'll be "one of those nights"...Mark my words... I do hope all my residents will be a little more safer than usual, a little less buckwild than usual! haha

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