Friday, April 2, 2010

my beautiful day

As most of you in North Carolina know, today was a BEAUTIFUL day! I am off Friday & Monday of "this week" for Easter & am loving the four-day weekend!!

Funny story: Alex has been working all week {gosh I'm so glad he's working now!} and I'd had the f-l-u :( so, needless to say...we were apart all week. :/ He had today off too {he is loving the idea of paid time off!} so he decided to come see me last night in Hickory. We went for a long walk around campus {it was gorgeous yesterday too!} & then got some Subway to go & ate dinner at my apartment while watching the Carolina game. Well, after dinner, Alex says to me, "Okay, you're done eating. Now go pack so we're not here all night." He knows it takes me for-ever to pack to go home for any length of time. Well, of course, five hours later, we left. Story of our lives. :)

So today I woke up to freshly cut strawberries sprinkled with sugar. Did I ever tell you that I LOVE coming home to Mawmaw & Pawpaw's?!?! :) After being lazy for a little, I went & picked Baby up from Mom's house & took her to "the farm" as I call it to her {which is really Alex's house} & spent the day there. He has a lot of land for her to run and play and cows in the back yard--hence why I call it "the farm." But anyways, he has a long trail to {I call} hike on and it's about a 2 mile walk to the barn & back. We took Baby with us and she had a BALL! After we came back, all three of us were wanting some water so we stopped by his house and dropped the dog off and then headed back for round two!

Trust me, this is no "walk on the track/treadmill" two mile walk. Baby definitely couldn't have handled round two! She was we were walking back to his house it wasn't until we got to Alex's neighbor's yard when she just quit walking and plopped down in the grass. I think that was her way of telling us she was DONE! :)

Then we washed my car & went to see his cousin's new baby, Charlotte! :) I love that name...makes me think of Sex & the City every time. Charlotte is my FAVORITE! Alex grilled salmon for dinner & it was de-lish :) After that I attempted to beat level 4 and/or 5 of Blip Bloink for an hour while he watched Smallville & was unsuccessful. MAN that game is intense!

I need to be working on getting to bed at a decent hour and all that fun in the sun today really helps! I called him around 10:30 and said I was going to bed!! I can't wait for tomorrow. :) I love spending time with "my babies".. ♥ :)

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