Saturday, April 17, 2010

My new favorite Facebook group*

A couple of days ago, something popped up on my Facebook newsfeed. It was a Facebook group called "Praying for Pat Sykes." Of course I clicked on it, and a lady named Candy from my home town had recently made the Facebook group to ask people to pray for my brother.

Why you ask?

Well, first, I was deeply appreciative of Candy doing this.. especially since it's been two months since Pat's diagnosis. So Candy, if you see this, {again} THANK YOU!

I think it's extremely important to continually pray. Our family and Pat's friends prayed for an answer, to find out what was causing Pat's blindness. Just because we now know why doesn't mean we can stop praying. I keep praying for healing {always, no matter what the doctors say}, coping skills, the tools he needs to help him, good influences for friends and friends that will selflessly help him with everything, and just a peace beyond understanding. I pray that one day Pat can use this this happening to him to glorify God and show everyone that with faith, he is not stopping. I will not stop praying for Pat.

Anyways, I did not post this to publicize the Facebook group, even though that may happen. I already invited every Facebook friend I have anyways yesterday. The whole point of my post is this-
the group now has 415 members!
That might not be a lot to you, and some people may have just added the group because I invited them. {However, I know some people declined the invitation.} But either way, the group raises awareness and will lift the numbers of prayers for Pat going up- and that's all that matters! I appreciate all the people posting comments on the group's wall to Pat. I'm sure he's read/will read them and I know it'll mean a lot to him. 

I just am so grateful for everyone's kindness and inspirational words. It all makes my heart smile. :)

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