Thursday, April 29, 2010

staff love & one more week left!

MAN today was a hectic day!

I want to give a shout out to my fabulous staff right now. They all were up at 8 AM this morning, wanting to give a present to Isenhour's housekeeper. They weren't able to do that because some had to leave to go to class, and the others went back to bed after waiting about 20 minutes because they realized none of us had a clue as to what time she comes in to work...but it is definitely the thought that counts!! First off, I thought it was thoughtful of them to want to do something special for her, but for them to be willing to all get up at 8 AM & wait on her to get here...that was mighty nice of them! I have definitely been blessed with an awesome staff my first year here at LR. I don't know what I would have done without them this year! As the year's drawing to a close, you'll hear me say this all more, because it's hitting me that we won't all be together next year- and quite frankly, it really makes me sad just thinking about it.

On a happier note: I am checking things off my to-do list left & right! I really don't have any other choice because it's the end of the year and it seems like all of my professors waited to make everything due at the end. Well, right now I have ONE WEEK OF SCHOOL LEFT {this semester}.
I am...
  • 1 AA meeting {for my addictions class}
  • 1 Stats test
  • 3 papers
  • 1 Capstone presentation/paper...
away from this semester being over. And again. only ONE week. There is no option- I have to make it work! I haven't been procrastinating either. I've had things due the last two Wednesdays & the Saturday in between. I've been working on things as they're due, and now- everything's due within two days & that makes it CRUNCH TIME! :)

Say a little prayer for me that I don't lose my mind!

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