Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Update: Ike Cook Out: Success!

Literally, I haven't stopped for two days. Since I woke up until the time I went to bed, it was literally nonstop! But I made sure my paper was finished last night that is due today so I didn't feel stressed today, obligated to get up early & make sure it was finished before class at 5pm!

Melissa & I have been walking...that's been fun! I love walk/talk sessions with her! :) We could only walk 2 miles yesterday because she had to go to work- we'll see how many we get in today! :) Alex and I have been little walking machines too. We walk everyday on the weekends it seems! 5 miles here, 4 miles there... it's been fun! We keep saying we're going to walk 10 miles around my parents' neighborhood- but, we haven't had the time yet! Hopefully we will soon!

Anyways, so Monday was a busy busy day! Most of the afternoon was spent preparing for Isenhour's cookout! {Isenhour is the building I am the Resident Director of, in case you didn't know!} My six RAs have to do a certain number of "programs" a month, and we have a budget to help them buy stuff to draw people to those programs. The point of it all is to draw residents of the building together for either a social or educational purpose and help build community. Well, the Isenhour Cook Out was by far the most successful program my staff, or any other staff to my knowledge, has done. We started out with 40 hamburgers & 48 hot dogs. Needless to say, we had to make two charcoal runs & another trip to the store! We ended up giving out about 120ish hamburgers and hot dogs to residents and Lenoir-Rhyne students! Talk about a success! I was completed proud of my staff for pulling it all off. They truly are the best! :)

Here's just a couple pics from the event:

And here's just a couple of some of my fabulous staff:
The boys, Matt, Keenan {RAs} & Andres {who graciously manned the grill while Matt was at class, even though he isn't an RA, yet!} getting the massive grill going!
And even Maria {another RD at Lenoir Rhyne}stopped by & joined us for a bit! :)
It really was fun! We'll definitely have to do another one next year! :)

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