Friday, May 21, 2010

a friend-filled three days

I arrived home Tuesday evening "for the summer." {Please note that it's only Thursday evening now.} Since I got home, I have spent an hour and a half catching up with my pal Lindsey {who I am so excited to go see June 25th!}, spent an hour on the phone today with one of my best friends, Caroline, walked 4 miles & caught up with another one of my best friends, Ale, had a Grey's night with the beautiful Meredith, spent time with Alex all three nights, & spent some quality time with both my grandparents!! This has definitely been a productive "summer" so far! Alex & I are planning a trip next weekend to go see our friends Brandon & Meredith {soon to be husband & wife} & then I finally scheduled my trip to the beach to see Lindsey!! By then her baby bump will be in full force & maybe I'll get to see their nursery all put together! Oh & her & Rhine's new house! How exciting! I just can't believe how much "friend & family" time I've had in just these short {not even} three days I've been home. I am absolutely loving it! {TRUE} friends are extremely important to me. I cherish all my girlfriends and love love love when we get to catch up and/or spend time together! I hate that all my close friends live far away- but as I talked to Ale about on Wednesday, the distance has not hurt my true friendships in any way whatsoever {other than the fact that I don't get to physically see them as much as I'd like}. That's what phone dates and roadtrips are for! :) I just wanted to share this & say that I am so proud of all my girlfriends... growing up, buying houses, getting married, having babies....or being the most fabulous camp counselor ever!! ;) I can not wait to meet Baby Jervis or Baby Zoe this Fall!! :)

Now I just have to hope that summer school doesn't suck all the fun out of my friend-filled summer I have planned! ;)

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