Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Vacation + I am a Godmother!! :)

I had a GREAT time during my MUCH needed vacay to "Wilmington" to stay with Lindsey & Rhine! I am absolutely in love with their house & all their home decor. Not to mention being so close to the BEACH! I had such a great time...they were the best hosts! Not to mention I was asked to be their future child's Godmother!! During breakfast on Friday they gave me a present and it was the cutest Godmother coffee mug with an adorable quote on it (I'll have to take a pic & post it)... as I opened up the present I cried!! :) Then Rhine preceded to tell me how large of a responsibility being a MARINE Godmother was, and then why they were so glad I accepted!! I am so blessed to have such great friends who think so highly of me. I just wish Alex could have been there with me. {Somebody's gotta stay home and make that money though, I guess!} I got some really cute stuff $hopping in the cute local stores and got to work on my tan for two days while laying out on the beach! I also attended their church Sunday morning, Scott's Hill Baptist Church-- which I LOVED! They are doing a series on FAQ {Frequently Asked Questions about Christianity} and it was hilarious, educational, Biblically based, and intriguing....all at the same time! The worship service was AWESOME too...I felt like I was at a Christian concert!!

Needless to say...the drive home was a long one! :( I can't wait to come back and visit them and my new baby Godson!! I would say his name but, I don't think they've entirely agreed on one quite yet!

I miss the breezy beach already!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Food for thought: Forgiveness

Then Peter came up to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times must I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I'll tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." -Matthew 18:21-22

Forgiveness has really been a key issue in my life lately. I go back to this verse when I am feeling defeated by others, contemplating forgiveness. I am human! I sin! I sometimes have to THINK about forgiving people, wondering if they are worthy of my forgiveness, time, and emotion. I have to remember that the exact wording of this verse is very important: I must forgive my brother (everyone) when they sin against me. Sometimes I get so bogged down because "people" aren't doing the right thing. I get mad when others make stupid choices, causing grief for those closest to them, myself included at times. I take it all personally. I've even been known to hold a grudge or two in my time {believe it or not, HA!} My thought process is flawed because simply: I am human. However, I can not use my "humanness" as justification for continuing to live in sin. I can and should only forgive those that have sinned against me. If others are sinning against others or against God, I need to pray for them. I should not take it personally or hold a grudge. If I do, then *I* am the one needing forgiveness! They have not sinned against me, therefore, forgiveness from me is not needed. {Gosh I hope my rambling is making sense.}

This passage really opened my eyes...

1 John:
1:5: This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and His word has no place in our lives.

2:1: My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him.
This is how we know we are in him: Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.

That pretty much sums it up for me. One thing I can say for myself is {as you can also see above} I have never claimed to be perfect. I will shout it from the rooftops that I am NOT perfect! I am far from it actually and like everyone else, have my good days and have my bad days. Lucky for me, I am saved by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. The passage above reminds me that because I am a Christian, and have accepted Christ as my Savior, then when I do have my "bad days," my heavenly Father goes to bat for me. He speaks to HIS father on MY behalf, asking that I be forgiven. What an amazing thought! What an amazing thing! What an amazing Savior I have!

Forgiving one another is the hardest thing to do and the most beneficial. As God's chosen people we are to forgive all {did you hear that? ALL} grievances we have between one another because of the example set forth to us by Christ.

Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. -Colossians 3:12-14
and lastly....
And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and shortcomings and let them drop. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your failings and shortcomings. -Mark 11:25-26, Amplified
This is why it is SO important and beneficial for us to forgive. Jesus can not do us that mighty favor by going to bat for us when we have our bad days if we have hate in our hearts, if we are holding grudges, if we are choosing to not forgive someone, for anything, no matter what. As 1st John says, if we are living in Him, we must walk as Jesus did (forgivingly). I personally do not want to sacrifice MY forgiveness, at the cost of living a life full of hate. Doesn't make sense at all to me why anyone would.

If you are choosing to hold a grudge, not forgiving someone, for anything, reconsider. The price is far too high and not even close to worth it, especially when you think about how trivial some of your grievances are. Let your light shine! Do not choose to be held captive in the darkness for another minute.

It's never too late
to turn everything around.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Things I am thankful for

My previous blog sparked this one. I needed a reality check of why I have it so good. I am thankful for so many things in my life. It'd be impossible to name everything, but, I'll begin my list. My hope is to think of something everyday I am thankful for because I am beyond blessed every day I am alive! The air in my lungs and the beating of my heart is too much of a blessing to begin with. So really, there's no way I could list everything... However, here's what's on my mind tonight that I am thankful for!

{in no particular order}

my Savior.
my grandparents.
my parents.
my brother.
my loving boyfriend.
my family.
my dog(gies).
the money in my checking account.
my education.
my job.
my apartment.
tuition remission.
the people i work with.
my health.
the fact that I'm not naturally super pale.
my blackberry.
my girlfriends.
my church family.
my pastor.
air conditioning on the hot days and heat on the cold days.
my car.
leather, heated seats.
my blog followers.
members of ten minutes to get you through your day.
the little bit of metabolism i have left.
clear skin.
naturally {generally} straight teeth.
my hair straightener.
mello yello.
tile in my kitchen.
new carpet in my apartment.
bug spray/repellent.
sweet dreams.
my new shoe rack.
quality time.
undeserved love.
good memories with loved ones.
advice from my grandparents.
the relationship I have with my mom.
the fact I don't have more speeding tickets than I do.
curved grades in statistics.
multiple choice quizzes in psychopathology.
sweet sweet classmates.
my upcoming trip to Wilmington to see Lindsey. 
the love and grace of Jesus Christ.

Yet I will rejoice...

I never {never say never} usually don't use my blog for venting personal emotions; however, tonight's different. I don't know why, but I feel like blogging will somehow be therapeutic for me. So, read this, or don't...I don't care today. 

That is how I started this super long venting blog, before I was smacked in the face with my most recent post on ten minutes to get you through your day.  The whole point of it really was,
"No matter what, yet I will rejoice in the Lord!"

The devotion referred to Habakkuk 3:17-18, which says...
"Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation."

I like to think of it as...
though I'm having a bad hair day
though my makeup looks like crap
though I have tons of school loans to pay off
though I don't make a lot of money
though I have way too much school work to do for the summertime
though people I love are fighting
though friends and children of my friends are dying
though I am no longer friends with those who I used to be the closest with
though none of my best girlfriends live anywhere near me
though I still have a long way to go before I graduate and can start a new life
though I found an earwig on my pillow!!
though I feel defeated
though I feel jealous
though I feel discontent
though I feel broken...
yet I will rejoice in the LORD;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.

I really needed that reality check. I have it good. I need to watch Jessica's Daily Affirmation again. And since I can't sleep, and don't feel like beginning reading for another psychopathology quiz right now at 1:30 AM, I think I'll start a new {probably annoying to you} blog listing things I am thankful for. That ought to put things into perspective for me. Either way, I've gotta get out of this rut the Devil worked on me. I won't let him defeat me! I am kind of excited though, because that just means the Lord has something in store for me, and the Devil is trying to defeat me beforehand... I will keep my eyes and heart open, ready to receive His blessings!  Stay tuned!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My daily affirmation inspiration!

Have you seen this video on YouTube? Lucy Parker Photography posted this video on her blog and I felt I just HAD to share it with you. How awesome is this little girl?? We all have so many things to be thankful for, and we need to realize what we have been blessed with!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Alex's 24th Birthday!

So, I am thankful that I get to spend yet another one of Alex's birthdays with him...I think this is the 7th one! :) Alex is not as big of a fan of birthdays as I am, but this year, I'd say he's celebrating quite a bit. Thursday was his actual birthday and he had to WORK all day. He knows he has to get used to that. He's a workin' man now & we are both still so thankful for his job! So, Thursday after he got off work, I accompanied Alex to the gym.

Side note: At the gym I ran a mile straight for the first time in my life! I always run .2 or .3 and then speed walk for a break, then do another .2 or .3 and so on...but this time something came over me and I pushed myself to do a mile straight! I was so proud of myself. I know that may mean absolutely nothing to most of you, because you do that all the time, but it was my first time and I was proud of myself. After that {I was about to die!} Alex and I did the gym's Abs class for half an hour, then I lifted some weights before heading home. What a productive day at the gym! :)

Later that evening, I went over to Alex's for cake to give him his birthday present and to hang out with my birthday boy for a while before his grandpa of a bedtime. With all this work I'm doing lately for psychopathology, the only time Alex and I usually see each other during the week is at the gym! How sad it that?! Especially since we are living in the same city for the summer {for the most part anyways}.

Anyways, I got Alex an Armanti Edwards Carolina Panthers jersey. In case you don't know who Armanti Edwards is...he was the quarterback of Appalachian State University {where Alex and I went to college} and led them to 3 back-to-back{-to back!} national championships {the 3 years I actually attended AppState}! Just look him up on Google or YouTube. I'm not gonna lie....the videos are pretty cool.

Side note: When I got the opportunity I definitely had to snap a shot with the future Carolina Panther...

So anyways....Alex is a HUGE AppState fan, a HUGE Armanti fan, and a HUGE Carolina Panthers fan. Well, can you imagine how happy Alex was when he found out that Armanti Edwards is now a Carolina Panthers wide receiver?!

If you know me, you know I don't VOLUNTARILY spend my time watching sports on TV. Well, now I might have to.

Anyways, he LOVED his present, even though he found out what he was getting when I found him in the process of buying himself one on NFL.com. My presents to him are always a bust somehow or another. I hate that! I blame Alex {of course}. :)

Friday night we went out to eat with his family to Olive Garden and then went with Drew {Alex's brother} & Ashton {Drew's girlfriend}  to see the new movie The A-Team. I thought I'd be disappointed with it, but let me tell you, that this was action-packed AND HILARIOUS. I laughed the whole time! I'd definitely watch it again.

Tonight Alex and his boyfriends are having a boys night to celebrate his birthday while some of us girls go to Charlotte for our friend Meredith's bachelorette party! It should  be fun!

Like I said, for someone who "isn't into birthdays" sure is celebrating 3 days in a row this year! I'm glad for him though....wishing him all the happiness in the world because he's my favorite guy, deserving the best!! Love you Alex! ♥

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sex & the City 2

Click here to read the funniest, most real, {yet sad to admit, true} review on Sex & the City 2. SPOILER ALERT! {But like they said, all the true fans already know what happened anyways.} For the record: let me say that I am SO glad I saw it and I could NOT wait to see it. I'd call it "good" but it was definitely not as good as the first. The writers took our girls, whose lives revolve around NYC & took them to the Middle East. That was problemo numero uno in my eyes. Sad stuff... 

Either way, I loooove me some Sex & the City. Definitely needing to kick my marathon back up! Who wants to lend me their seasons on DVD? Oh wait, I'm taking Psychopathology right now. I'll ask again in August! :)

Love these girls..

Monday, June 7, 2010

Our trip to Atlanta for Memorial Day weekend

Last weekend, for Memorial Day weekend, Alex & I drove down to Atlanta to spend the long weekend with our friends {and soon to be newlyweds!} Meredith & Brandon! We got to check out their new house & their "new" town & experience a little Atlanta! It was such a great weekend. They were such great hosts!

We didn't get to leave until around 5 that afternoon but the Memorial Day traffic wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be! When we got into town, Alex & I went to visit his college friend, Charis. She has an awesome apartment with a great view. Her apartment complex reminded me of the beach {which I can not wait to go to!} and I think it'd be awesome to pack everything I own up, and move far away from everything! I envy her for that. If I didn't feel the need to be close to my family at this point in my my/our lives, I would have so done that a couple years ago. I guess the Lord works in mysterious ways! ;) He wanted me "here" ... or close by at least!

Anyways, we got to Meredith & Brandon's late & just chit chatted til the wee hours of the morning. We spent the weekend $hopping, eating at some YUMMY restaurants, & hanging out with each other! We attempted to go to a Braves game together but the weather was iffy & the radar showed a huge storm heading our way so we didn't go. {We went to the movies and finally got to see Date Night, which is HILARIOUS by the way!} The boys made it to the Braves game the next day while Meredith & I had a girls day! We shopped, did a couple touristy things, and then went to babysit. We BOTH made $100!! Talk about worth it! We all went to Brandon & Meredith's church Sunday morning, which was HUGE by the way. We heard a great message too! :)

It was such a great trip and I can not wait until their wedding in Mississippi in July! I am also super glad Alex and I "have to" fly in because of his work schedule....Sorry guys, I love ya both but I was not looking forward to that drive/ride there!

Here's some of my favorite pics from the weekend ::

Meredith & I in our Atlanta Braves colors :)
his hugs are my favorite ♥
having fun in our crazy photo shoot
Meredith and Brandon, a match made in heaven :)

Funny story: We saw this guy getting on his motorcyle, and he had a full blown skeleton-looking biker's outfit on! Gloves, glasses, and all! It looked pretty cool, until he was riding behind us and I realized how scary/creepy it looks...haha...

Friday, June 4, 2010

So much for free time....

Man, oh man! I've been super busy lately & have wanted to blog about so so many things! However, Psychopathology has started & we are required to:
  • Post 2 discussion questions a week {no big deal if my brain would start working}
  • Post 3 replies to discussion questions...FIVE OUT OF SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!
  • Take 3 quizzes a week on 2-5 chapters a quiz {seriously}
  • Therefore meaning, read 2 textbooks in the month of June
  • Blog at least once a week {and this one doesn't count ;) }
  • Take a final exam {it'll be my first one of my counseling program}
  • & I'm sure something else I'm forgetting
...and that's all for a B in the class!! Whoa baby!! June will be busy, that's for sure! Keep me in your prayers because I'm going to attempt to do all the required work plus a little extra for an A {got to at least attempt to keep that 4.0} AND I'll be starting another class this Tuesday!! :/

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Question of the Day:

If someone were to convict you of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to find you guilty???