Tuesday, July 6, 2010

happy 4th of july!

The day has come & I couldn't be more happier about it. I am THROUGH with Psychopathology! I've moved back to Hickory & am attempting to get settled back into my apartment, which I'm doing a major "clean out" of in my spare time! I need to catch up on my other class I've been neglecting as well as start two more classes this week. I will so so glad when this summer is over. I'm taking four classes in the Fall as well, but spaced out over 15 weeks will make me much happier than cramming everything into 5! I don't think I could have made it without the constant support & venting sessions with Caren and Jodi! Girls...WE DID IT!

Alex & I had us a nice little 4th of July! We went to the early service {which I enjoy} & then had breakfast with some friends of ours & his brother! Then we spent the day lounging by the pool until time to head to the lake to cook out and hang out with some friends from church! It was fun!

Look at this VIEW! Love it!

Look at my "special friend" haha ... he always finds a way to make me laugh :)

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