Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Boys of Fall

I am in love with the new Kenny Chesney song "The Boys of Fall."

Alex is completely obsessed with football and I never really understood it until I went to watch my brother, Pat, play Friday nights for North Lincoln. Watching this music video takes me back and makes me miss those times. I can't believe my little brother is almost 20 years old! I miss Friday nights at Lincolnton High watching football games...but the experience is totally different when you're there, rooting for someone you love, {and understand the game I need to add.} I should note, Alex played for Lincolnton, and I "went to watch him" but I didn't understand a lick of football then and, well, couldn't tell you anything that ever happened during any of the games. It was different for some reason when Pat started playing. I started to understand the game and actually look forward to going and watching the games. Now I get to go see my cousin Nick play for Lincolnton and I can't wait for those fabulous Fall Friday nights!!

Actually- I can't wait for FALL in general because I am sickly looking without a tan. {Thank you summer school & work!} So I'm ready for cute boots and scarves weather & cool nights! Not to mention those BEAUTIFUL sunsets.... Fall is seriously the most awesome time of the year.

I never got a pic with him in his uniform but don't think I didn't snap a few after some of the games!

And I have to throw in this one of my bestie, Ale, and I because she sure was a NL supporter with me during our college years....Lord, love us! :)

Now here is a future trip down memory lane for Pat from his football days...

NL's first TD of the season, made by Pat, but of course called back. Ugh!

ready to go!

Homecoming Senior Year

Senior Night

one of my most favorite pictures ever

senior night (again)

"Dropping the bomb"

the crowd joining in!
Dropping the bomb again!

Mom is his #1 Fan!

Family supporters in Salisbury for the playoffs!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics! I love that song too! (Possibly because I just LOVE Kenny Chesney. :-)


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