Friday, October 15, 2010

Hickory Girlfriends

Last night I hosted a Mary Kay party for a friend, Dana. She's working towards her pink Cadillac. First let me say that I hate hosting parties. Not parties in general, that I would enjoy, but I dislike making people feel obligated to come and buy something. It's okay that I say this because I made that very clear to Dana multiple times. She's a trooper though and insisted I host a party anyways. Being so determined is how you become successful in the Mary Kay business I'm sure. I only invited about 9 or 10 girls & five showed up! I know the others would have came if they could have and I know everyone's got a million things going on. Which is why I was so thankful to have five girls show up! They didn't have to buy anything, but they did {probably because Mary Kay is so fabulous}. It's the fact that they took time out of their busy lives to join me at my party that made me so grateful for such great friends!

I am extremely grateful for the friends that I have made in Hickory. I love chatting, laughing, venting, MTV nights, walking around campus, & celebrating with them all! I really didn't know anyone when I moved to Hickory and now I feel so thankful that I have made girlfriends.

Girlfriends are vital to a girl's sanity.

I wish I had a pic with you all... We need a photo opp ASAP :) xoxo ♥

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