Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's Fall Y'all!

If you have been around me long enough lately, you have heard me say that Fall is my FAVORITE time of the year! There's something so peaceful and romantic even about beautiful colorful leaves, cooler air, and cute boots & scarves! Not to mention what mine & Alex's Friday nights have consisted of....high school football! His cousin, Matthew, plays for North Lincoln, and my cousin, Nick, plays for Lincolnton {where Alex & I went to high school}. Poor North Lincoln is having a bad year, but our Lincolnton Wolves are undefeated right now! Hoping to watch Nick and the Wolves go all the way to State! :) My grandmother bought this cute Lincolnton Wolves garden flag from a lady in town...I LOVE it! Makes me feel home sweet home!

There aren't any big Lincolnton Wolves flags, so Mawmaw is taking it upon her self {with the help of the fabulous Hilda} to make her own! She had Pawpaw DRAW the wolf, then bought the fabric, and then Hilda is making the rest happen with her mad sewing skills! I can't wait to see the end result!

Now, I hit Rite-Aid up last year at the end of Autumn for all their SUPER cheap leftover Fall decorations! Seriously like $1 here, 50 cents there! Needless to say, I racked up! And because I did...my apartment looks like this:

That last one really isn't Fall-y, but, I LOVE it. It obviously stays up all year. :)

And just for fun I'll throw in a couple random recent pics since Facebook's being sketchy...

Look who I found at North Lincoln's homecoming game! My newly married bestie, Caroline! :)
And Lenoir-Rhyne's homecoming was the next day & LR does fireworks on Homecoming night, so Alex & I made sure to catch them again this year! {We always fail at taking pics of us in front of the fireworks as they are big & pretty...maybe one day we'll master that trick!}

Can we just do a recap from last year's homecoming fireworks??

Yeah I THOUGHT Alex was wearing the same shirt again. Now this just proves it! ;) Haha!! Look how different my hair looks!! I am forever changing my hair! Speaking of, I have an appointment this Thursday. Can't decide if I wanna keep it blonde or go back dark for the Fall...

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! :) your decorations are SO cute!!!! and i love the last year/this year pics!! and ps. i love your hair now!!


Let me know what you think! :)