Thursday, November 4, 2010

While the oven preheats...

It's 8:40pm and it's already been SUCH an eventful day. You all probably know by now that people start needing me about this time of night, but tonight, I just really hope they don't. I love you guys, but I'm not in love with you. I just really want to enjoy the rest of my evening, alone, relaxing, in pajamas, watching TV, and getting in the bed at a decent hour. Is that so much to ask?! :)

Today Jodi and I went to the NC School Counselors Association's conference in Greensboro, NC. We presented a poster on drop out prevention, primarily at the high school level. We had a little sports theme and titled it, "Stay In The Game." Clever, huh? Here's our poster...
I was proud of us, of all of us fabulous LR school counseling students! All of our posters looked awesome!

I honestly had a good time because we got to have girl time on the way there & back but also, while we were there, stood around with Monica {who is amazing and joined us for moral support} and had more girl time! Funny stories were definitely shared! ;)

We had to rush back after the luncheon because I had a dentist appointment in Lincolnton. Ultimately it only lasted a total of five minutes, which was great, because I had to rush back for class...but in the end, I left with an...(dun dun dun) appliance! Yes, for the first time in my life, I have some sort of metal in my mouth. It's ironic because the purpose of it is to reduce headaches caused my mouth clenching and teeth grinding, but for 2 and a 1/2 hours of class tonight, I just played with it in my mouth and tested it's strength (by clenching my mouth, haha) and NOW I have a headache. :/ Go figure. I have got to got to got to get used to it being there and learn to just leave it alone! Not to mention that I sound like a total... (that was going to be offensive). I have to learn to talk with it in my mouth, but until then, try not to make too much fun of me.

I bet my sweet potato fries are totally burnt by now...

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