Saturday, March 19, 2011


So...BIG news!!!

As you may {or may not} know, Alex has been house hunting for months now! I really really really encouraged him to buy a house before I graduated moved back to Lincolnton, if not for the obvious reasons, then solely for the fact that I would give my "things" a new home! In the two years spent in Hickory, I have filled UP my apartment! Well, Alex {luckily} is a stickler for figuring out his budget, figuring out how much he can AND WILL pay for a house {and everything else} and he is pretty good awesome at sticking to it! We counter each other well. ;)

Well, the time has come! Alex has purchased a house!!! I definitely won't tell you how much he paid for it {without his permission} but let me just say, he got a S-T-E-A-L! Gotta love it!!! It's a little fixer-upper in Lincolnton with 3 bedrooms & 1 and a 1/2 bathrooms! He closes on it this Tuesday & we couldn't be more excited! I think I'm more excited than he is!

We get to begin the journey of fixing up & decorating the house together, with the help of family & friends! It'll be a lot of work but hardly anything we can't do ourselves....and by "ourselves" I mean with the help of family & close friends! ;) A lot "needs" to be done {Alex says I use that word more than I should} & we are going to get started on it ASAP....literally, like, Tuesday. :)

We are going "yard saling" in the morning in hopes of finding some good {and by good I mean good and cheap} pieces of furniture that we can either use right away or "fix up." We went & got paint cards tonight to compare on Tuesday, & looked for some things like a ceiling fan and a dining room table today. We didn't buy anything yet. Remember, Alex is frugile so we are comparing prices!! :) We counter each other SO SO well. Trust me! ;)

Of course my camera's battery is dead and I didn't get to take any pics of the house when I visited this week. There will DEFINITELY be some before & "after" {work in progress} photos taken & stay tuned!!!

I will definitely be blogging our journey with this as we fix the house up....Pray we don't kill each other in the process!! ... Juuuuuuuuuuuust kidding. ;)

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