Thursday, April 28, 2011

1 down, 1 to go!

I finished my internship last Friday. It was seriously bittersweet for me. I really really really loved the place and everyone who worked there. It was such a fun educational experience for me and I {really} hated to see it end. Thinking of it just makes me hate strongly dislike whatever idiot(s) decided to cut money in the state's school systems. I would have LOVED to have even gotten to apply for a job there! Not everyone has been blessed with such a wonderful internship opportunity.  I really made friends with the ladies over there and they are all so positive and encouraging. They all were eager to teach me and went out of their way to help me when needed. I couldn't have asked for a better internship opportunity. Seriously.

Thursday was the last day that all three of the fabulous counselors {Christel, Sherry, & Kim} were there, as two of them were leaving town the next day {my last day}. They got me a super sweet card and a $30 gift card to Lowe's! They know how many trips I've had to make to Lowe's lately for stuff for the house and they knew there'd be many more to come! :) That was so thoughtful of them. They didn't have to get me anything, and I REALLY thought that was super nice of them! They are all so awesome! 

Christel, my internship supervisor, also got me a little present. :) We had talked about how in public schools you can't really have religious-based decor in your office, so she got me a little somethin' somethin' that flirted the line! ;)

Isn't that so cute?? Again, that was SO thoughtful! I am so blessed to have gotten to work with these great ladies! 

That means I am one internship down, one to go to graduate with my Masters degree! I have YET to find an agency internship for this summer. I have really been praying about it. I am getting pretty desperate but I don't want to take the first offered internship out of desperation if it's not where God wants me to be. So, I'm praying that anywhere {of the million places I've contacted} that isn't supposed to work out, simply doesn't. And I mean that. I want the perfect internship {for me} to cross my path and the stars align for it to be able to happen! 
Is that too much to ask?? :)

I just want everything to work out for the best! :) I got a great lead recently {that has a little something to do with this} & pursued it...hoping to hear back soon!! I will definitely be shouting from the rooftops when I obtain a summer internship! Just you wait.... ;)

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