Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I was going to do you a whole life update via bullet points...but this turned into a post-pictures-from-graduation-and-go-to-bed kind of post, so, stay tuned for more info later! ;)

So anyways, I GRADUATED "WALKED" Thursday night! I won't actually get my diploma until August when I finish my internship hours, but, here's a couple pictures from "the hooding ceremony."
Lenoir-Rhyne Counseling Graduates

Leah & Cynthia, two amazing inspirations of classmates!
"Being Hooded"

my love
"The Girl RDs" ~ My friends, Tori & Maria... Love them! 
Brother Bear

Pat & Me with Mom

A Proud Momaw!

Momma ♥

"Love & support brings happiness through all"
I spent the week leading up to "graduation," as I'll call it, packing my life up, taking 50 trips to Lincolnton & back, and trying to organize closing down a building of 150 freshmen as quickly as possible. Luckily, I had 6 great RAs who did a good job at helping me ensure that everything ran as smoothly as possible, making my job easier in the end once everyone had went home.

I found out I had to be out of my apartment two weeks earlier than I thought I had to be, two weeks before I had to be out. So, with classes ending, crap due, and all the closing stuff needed to be done, on top of still internship-searching and everything else life brings at the last minute, I had to pack up & move!! I was planning on doing all of that once everything was done & I had a moment to breathe. But looking back, I'm glad it all happened the way it did. {That's a whole other post for a later day.}

But, the night before graduation I just got really SAD. Sad mostly because I wanted a lot of things done that weren't done, and I had taken SO many trips to Lincolnton and back, along with Mom, Momaw, and Alex, and there was still SO much to do. {I seriously had way too much stuff.} My original graduation-day plans were to sleep in {a little}, do a couple things {including get a pedicure}, & then get ready early so I wasn't rushed and got to a graduation banquet we had beforehand ON TIME {for once}.

Oh! Here's some pics from that too :) ::
Me with the cute couple, Jonathan {"the boy RD"} & Melissa

My date to the banquet, my awesome friend Jodi, & her 4 kids!!!!!! Hot Momma Alert!! Haha

I love this girl! My sistah-friend, Jodi! What a blessing she is!
But do you think my graduation day plans were fulfilled? UM, ABSOLUTELY NOT. But it's okay. I was smart & showered early. I have an AMAZING grandmother that came that morning to help me pack & load the car(s) {again}. My necklace waited until the END of the night to break & I even got to take Momaw to lunch & had enough time to run to the nail salon & get my toes & nails painted. {Had to save the pedi for another day!} At the end of the day I felt BLESSED. It was a super long day but it was one I will remember! I am so thankful for the loved ones of mine that were able to come and know that the ones that couldn't make it are proud of me! Yep, that pretty much sums it up....I was thankful & blessed!!

Now, onto securing that internship....

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