Wednesday, August 31, 2011

2 Shakes a Day!!

I got up early this morning, somewhat involuntarily, and made a Vi Shake for breakfast. Mom was up so we made ours together. By the time I went to go take a picture of Mom's she apologized because it was gone! It must have been good, haha! She did say, "Man that was good! I wish I could have another one right now instead of waiting for lunch!" So, that tells ya something!

Her shake was a chocolate banana shake but was yummier than mine yesterday! She used:
  • 8 oz. Wal-Mart brand vanilla soy milk
  • 2 scoops Vi Shake mix
  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
  • & ice! 
I used a whole banana and 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder yesterday, so maybe that was why mine was "off."

Mine today was SUPER yummy!! I used:
  • 8 oz. Wal-Mart brand vanilla soy milk
  • 2 scoops Vi Shake mix
  • 5 whole frozen strawberries
  • & ice!
Super simple & super yummy! It was a thick shake! I'm not gonna lie! {I feel like I have said that a lot, haha!} I had to eat some of it with a spoon. My blender couldn't blend the top of the the shake as well as I would have wished...but it still was yummy!! Maybe it was all the ice! I'm still learning. :)

I swear... these shakes are big! I have to sit & do something while I eat them. It'll definitely keep me busy on the drive to Gastonia every day soon when I start my new job! That is a good thing. You don't want to be done in five seconds and wonder where the rest of your meal went!

I was out during lunch so I had a 6" sub from Subway! That means I had to have a shake for dinner! I wanted to make it good, since I love me some dinner! I decided to have a Reese's Vi Shake!! Someone told me what they use in theirs, but I need measurements!! I am not a chef that can just wing it! ;) So I googled a Reese's Vi Shake recipe to see how much of each ingredient to use.

The recipe called for:
  • 8 oz. skim milk
  • 2 scoops Vi Shake mix
  • 1 tsp. sugar free/fat free chocolate pudding mix
  • 1 tsp. all natural peanut butter
  • & ice! 
Soo... funny story: I had some pudding mix in my pantry, so this was perfect! AND some all natural peanut butter! It was just *meant to be!* But I couldn't find my teaspoon measuring cup. I found the 1/2 tablespoon measuring cup, and thought it was the 1/2 teaspoon one, so, I probably doubled my ingredients!! Oops!!

That was way too much peanut butter, so I just added more chocolate and it was YUM!! Can't wait to try that again soon!!

AND.... GET THIS!!!! I realized this afternoon that it has been TWO DAYS since I had a Mello Yello!!! OR any other soft drink! Haha... but this Mello Yello deal is a BIG DEAL!! I'm not gonna say that I'll keep this up, but that's 2 days less that I've filled my body with the delicious poison that is a soft drink. ♥

I also did half an hour on the elliptical today, burning 250 calories! WooHoo!!

Less soft drinks + more protein & nutrients + consuming a LOT less calories + burning calories on the elliptical = GOOD THINGS!!! I can not WAIT to begin seeing results!!

Want to try Vi Shakes??? Watch the videos about ViSalus and click "Join the Challenge!" at 

& Click Here to all my blog posts about my experience with Vi Shakes!!


  1. Yay smoothies!! They sound delicious! I'm such a fan of them for breakfast and dinner when I'm feeling short on time or just want to eat lighter. Congrats on no soft drinks in 2 days!!

  2. They are delicious've gotta try them!!!


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