Monday, August 15, 2011

Beach with my Boy

I just got back from a week-long vacay with my boyfriend and his family. I haven't had a week-long vacation in QUITE some time {years} so, I enjoyed it very much!! We had such a good time sleeping in, playing cards, relaxing on the beach, eating some good food, and visiting Broadway, Ripley's Aquarium, and other places! Here's some pics from our trip!

This is me holding a baby shark this guy caught at the pier!

And look at all these sharks at the Ripley's Aquarium.....

This looks like a hologram but it's a real shark!

Crazy, right?!

Alex's amazing parents!
& our last night there, at Broadway... can you tell we were sick as dogs?!
We are ready to go back!! But I will not miss all that sand... yuck!! Give me a lake house with a pool and I'll be set for life! :)

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