Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Free Vi Shakes!!

Tonight I had a Vi Shake party! I do not sell Vi Shakes {right now} but I obviously promote them. Not nearly the amount of people that told me they were going to come came, but I am *so* thankful for the ladies that did come and thanks to them {and their want for a better them!} I now will get my next month of Vi Shakes for FREE! That's right!

If you sell three times the amount of Vi Shake mix that you originally bought, you get yours free the next month! That's awesome! I got the shape kit, which is a great kit to start out with, and, really, keep using! And that's what I intend to do. I invested $100 in Vi Shakes by buying my first month of shake mix, so why would I not stick it out the full 90 days?! I can not wait to see what progress I have made at the end of the 90 days! Hopefully I can sell 3 more Shape Kits next month to get the next month free too!!

Free things make me smile! :)

PS: The Shape Kit is enough shake mix for two shakes a day for a month, or, 60 meals! {in case you didn't know!} :)

Tonight I tried the infamous Butterfinger Vi Shake and the EVER-so-delicious strawberry cheesecake Vi Shake!! I'm not a fan of butterscotch, but that strawberry cheesecake Vi Shake was BANGIN'!!

I went to Wally World tonight to get some cheesecake pudding mix, Oreo pudding mix, and Reese's cups. I think I am going to try to make a Reese's Vi Shake tomorrow by making a vanilla shake & blending a Reese's cups into it instead of doing a peanut butter & chocolate Vi Shake & calling it a Reese's shake. I liked it but they end up always being too peanut buttery for my liking, even with just one teaspoon of natural peanut butter, but any of you out there who like peanut butter flavor would LOVE it!!

I will have to keep y'all posted  on how those turn out.

Until then, check out the site & see what all the hype is about!

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