Sunday, December 11, 2011

Update on my Pawpaw

If you are my Facebook friend, you may know that this Friday, my Pawpaw was admitted to the hospital.  I appreciate those of you who have reached out and asked how he was doing or told me that they were praying for him. That really means so much to me. I spent my Saturday visiting him in the hospital, then came home, napped, and did a bunch of girly colored my hair & tried on my new makeup. Alex and I went out to eat last night & I spent the rest of my night browsing In the time between me leaving the hospital Saturday morning and Saturday evening, Pawpaw was transferred to the Critical Care Unit {Intensive Care Unit as most people call it}, as his symptoms had become life-threatening. This bothered me, but I was not spending my evening worrying {as you can tell} and I give most of the credit for that to my Lord Jesus Christ. My Pawpaw has gone through the Intensive Care Unit before and came out better than ever. {Ok, so that was an exaggeration....but following his time in the ICU, rehab, physical therapy, and a new strict diet, he was better than ever!} I wasn't as worried as I probably should have been, but I just KNEW in my heart it was going to be okay. I can't describe that peace. I was trusting in God to get my sweet grandfather through this, so why did I need to worry?

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. {Isaiah 26:3}

I will admit that since I woke up this morning, I've been worrying a bit. Last night was a really rough night for my Pawpaw. He is so uncomfortable and just wants to go home. So that, on top of fact that that is NOT happening in the next couple days is frustrating for him, especially hooked up to all kinds of machines and tubes and wires. The man just wants to be in the comfort of his home! My heart broke for him as I had to tell him to relax and quit trying to get out of the bed or to take his mask off.

I'm going to be honest -- If anything ever happens to that man, the best man I will ever know, then I don't know what I'll do. I am trying not to focus on that option, because I still have 100% faith that God knows what He's doing and will pull my Pawpaw out of this mess, and in time for Christmas! God works in such mysterious, all-knowing, powerful ways and it's not something that I even want to try to wrap my head around.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. {Proverbs 3:5}

For example: Pawpaw's blood test came back around 6:00pm on Friday. The doctors called and told him he needed to go to the Emergency Room. He was completely physically able, coherent, talkative, and was able to get ready & go to the E.R.  Two days later, while giving my Mawmaw an update, his doctor said that he would not have lived two more days if he had not come to the hospital, and we would not have known the cause of death. How amazing is it that the medical staff took their time at 6pm on a Friday night to investigate his results & get in touch with us and advise us with urgency to seek medical attention?! THANK GOD they aren't nine to fivers or I would have lost the best man I know!!

Right now my Pawpaw has fluid around his heart & lungs, pneumonia in one lung, congestive heart failure, and renal failure. If you are reading this, please, stop what you're doing for five seconds and lift up my grandfather in prayer. Specifically, right now, he needs peace and comfort to be able to relax and work on his breathing so the medical staff can do their job. He, of course, needs a physical healing that his organs are able to fight off their infections and his potassium level needs to decrease dramatically.  I pray that the Lord sends an angel to his hospital room to help comfort him in his time of discomfort. Please join me in praying for my Pawpaw. He's the most deserving person and I know he'd do anything he could for any of us if we were in the same position. I am, without a doubt, leaving this up to God because I know He can handle this and I cannot.

With God, ALL things are possible. {Matthew 9:26}

Also, please pray for my Mawmaw. She is staying so incredibly strong. She herself is coping with a nasty cold/cough crud & was actually trying to rest in the bed when the doctors called to send Pawpaw to the E.R. on Friday. She is running on little sleep and especially after last night will be camping out at the hospital. That's never fun, or comfortable, so please y'all pray that she herself quits coughing and gets over this crud and is able to devote her energy to Pawpaw and helping him in whatever way she can. Bless her heart, she is the most amazing woman and she is constantly overdoing herself. She needs REST, Lord...I pray she is able to recuperate  & rest!!

Come unto me, you who are weary and overburdened, and I will give you rest. {Matthew 11:28}

Christmas 2010
'But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD. {Jeremiah 30:17}

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