Monday, February 27, 2012

Wasting Time / Learning Hairstyles

I have seriously spent three hours in front of my computer since I came home doing absolutely mindless things.  Typically I'd be mad at myself for wasting precious time, but tonight I just needed to not think about all that I have been worrying about.

Side Note: Please pray for my Pawpaw.  He's been admitted back to the ICU tonight.  It was a bit unexpected and they are anticipating transferring him to another hospital to do dialysis.  Hospitals stress him out & he sure doesn't need another thing to raise his blood pressure. 

Reverting back to my normal blogging topics:::
The Small Things Blog has really kept my mind off things this evening. She has hands down the best hairstyle tutorials for girls with medium-length hair, and I mean real medium-length hair. Here's a link to all her tutorials for your browsing convenience. I don't know what some people are smoking when I Google "medium-length hair" and girls with hair to the middle of their backs appear!! Uh, wrong! I don't know if it's my conditioner or what, but my hair is SO soft but it seems SO thin now, and I swear I lose 100+ hairs a day. {Is this normal?}

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