Saturday, April 21, 2012

What I've been doing to occupy my time

I have been a super horrible blogger but it hasn't been because I wanted to be!! I always have so many things going on and I've been taking pics on my iPhone with every intention of blogging about them!! Here are some very very random things I've wanted to blog about...
  • Taylor Swift's Journey to Fearless is on Netflix Instant. Do yourself a favor and watch it. It's so stinkin' uplifting, positive, and if you have a daughter, I highly encourage you to let her listen to Taylor Swift. There's not many singers out there that know and care that they "help raise today's youth" and Taylor is one of them. Who am I kidding? Y'all know I love me some Taylor Swift. AND, HOW DID I NOT KNOW that she had a Speak Now DVD out?? Netflix, you should have informed me of this!! That's next on my to-watch list.  Seriously, I just need to meet Taylor. 
  • So, I've still been working on healing my hair.  My friend got me a keratin treatment that was on sale at Cosmo Prof. My hair needed some serious protein to build it back up to its original health! I'm not even going to lie... the stuff worked like a miracle from God!! My hair is dramatically less crazy and the ends don't look near as fried. I'm getting another to use next month.  I learned you're not supposed to use an excessive amount of keratin on your hair, because too much protein isn't a good thing. It'll actually damage your hair. So, I'll wait a month & use it again.  I can't wait!! I used Paul Mitchells' Awapuhi Wild Ginger Keratin Intensive Treatment.  It comes with two tubes of keratin in an oil-like form. I used both on my hair (or, Addi did), and then you put the mask on it for about 10 mins.  I still have some of the mask to use in a couple days!! :) The stuff was on sale for $5 at Cosmo Prof!! I seriously need to get my cosmetology license just to be able to shop there on a regular basis. You would not BELIEVE the mark-up that salons and stores add to their products!! It's highway robbery for sure. For example, something that would be $12ish at Cosmo Prof I found at Target for $35.99!! No joke! So, between that keratin treatment today & Addi introducing me to Kenra products... I think I see some hair product shopping occurring in my near future.
  • Did I tell y'all that I got Alex and iPad for our anniversary?? Yep, three years (this go-round), and all he can talk about is wanting an iPad (and a jet ski, but that's another story). Since they went down $100 when the iPad3 came out, and since there wasn't a dramatic difference in the 2 and the 3 to justify $100, I saved a bit of money & splurged for a 2. :) He was super surprised (after he realized it wasn't a digital picture frame) and he hasn't put it down since! Seriously. It's getting pretty sad.  Between Temple Run and Zombie Highway, I can't seem to get his attention! He's busy this weekend, so I forced begged him to let me use it this weekend. Yep, I bought it and I have to fight to get some time on it.  I see His and Hers iPads in our future. I'm finding the Psychology section of Stumble Upon really interesting.  Does that make me a nerd?
  • My dad's painting some furniture for me... remind me to blog about that later!! I made sure to get "before pics" and I'll for sure take some after pics. 
  • I got a pair of prescription eyeglasses on for a STEAL!!! I seriously saved over $300 since I bought there instead of at my eye doctor's office. Remind me to blog about that too. It deserves its own blog as well.
  • I'm teaching my grandparents to Skype. Yep, you heard me right. They're tickled to death because Pawpaw gets to SEE his uncle that he hasn't seen in YEARS. That makes my heart smile! :) 
  • And so does the fact that Pawpaw is continuing to lose weight, get his kidney function up, and feel great!! He even got in Mom's car today & drove around the block for a while. Don't laugh- it was a big deal!! We love that man and we are so glad to say that he is doing well. :) 
  • I got highlights. Yeah, I can't go long without coloring my hair.  I'm working towards the lots of different colored highlights look. But I know I'll have to build up to it, especially after all the damage I did to my hair when I got that body wave perm. 
  • I got my first Birchbox in the mail!! Remind me to blog about that too... (See?!?!) 
  • I discovered What We Should Call Me and flooded my twitter with my favorite posts. I thought they were all hilarious but some of them were mirroring my life!! My friend Becky thought that I had a virus... LOL... no, that's just me, sharing the love!! Here's a great example.
  • And I've lost 7 lbs!! Woohoo!! 
I think that about sums it up.
I told you I've had a lot on my mind to blog about. :)
Until later...


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