Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wedding Dress Shopping

About a week ago, me, Mom, Alex's mom Ronda, and my bff/bridesmaid Elizabeth went to David's Bridal to do some wedding dress shopping. I was so glad they could come with me to share that experience! I had an appointment and the girl that helped me was extremely helpful. They offered the slip and girdleish thing, and the girl would come bring me dresses and help me get into them, then I'd come out of the dressing room and show the dress out and get everyone's opinion. One weird thing was was that there was no mirror in the dressing room, so I didn't know what I was looking like before everyone saw me. Ronda told me that they were looking for the expression on my face to somewhat decide what kind of face they were going to make, and every time I came out of the dressing room I was looking for their facial expression to see what I thought about the dress. Anyways, I tried on dresses I'd been dying to trying on, and tried on some dresses that I would never have tried on. Some I would have never tried on I really really liked! I also did not at all love the dress I had been dying to try on. So, apparently, I knew nothing.  I left David's Bridal with some pictures of dresses, a dress I somewhat liked, and another dress that Mom, Ronda, and Elizabeth LOVED. I wasn't loving how form-fitting it was, so, I was ready to keep looking.

Friday night I had appointment #2. This time it was at Bedazzled in the Gastonia mall. I'd been there before, looked through a catalog they let me borrow, and only found two dresses I liked out of the entire catalog and they were well over my price range. I wasn't looking forward to my appointment, but thought it wouldn't hurt to try some more dresses on. Ronda wasn't able to go this time, so it was just me & Mom! Then my sweet friend Becky informed Facebook she was going to be bored that night because her hubby was ditching her for the high school football game. I just had to invite her to join us and I am so thankful she was able to come with us! The experience was a little different at first. I had to browse through racks of dresses in the clear plastic bags. It's really hard to tell what a wedding dress looks like inside a clear garment bag. But the lady that was helping us knew what I was looking for, or what I thought I was looking for {now} and knew what to pull from the racks. We took about five dresses to the dressing room I was willing to try on and began the fun! I didn't have the undergarments, and she didn't really help me get into the dresses as much, but nevertheless, she was extremely helpful! I tried on a random dress that I would have never ever ever tried on before, but thought what-the-heck, you only try wedding dresses on "once." I tried the dress on, hated it, and with some suggestions from the employee, some future alterations, and a blingy accessory, I was able to pick out THE dress!! I literally said it.. {they made me} say "YES TO THE DRESS!" haha

I can NOT wait to order it, get it, alter it, and WEAR it on OUR WEDDING DAY! :) It's the perfect dress for an outdoor backyard wedding by the lake in Spring!! Finding "the" dress makes me feel like this is really happening!! I get to marry my best friend in 209 days!!

PS: My dress was the cheapest dress I had tried on! PERFECT for a bride on a budget! :) Love it!

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