Sunday, October 21, 2012

My DIY Fall Wreath

I've been meaning to do this since the beginning of September, but Fall starting speeding right past me & I felt like I almost missed it! I wanted to make a Fall wreath for Alex's front door. I say Alex's front door instead of mine because no one sees our front door & {almost} everyone in Lincolnton sees his. I loved my friend Danae's fall wreath and she said it was really easy to make. So off to A.C. Moore and Michaels we went to get the stuff to make it...

Everything here was about $21 and I didn't even end up using the bow, scarecrow people, or the two boutonniere looking thingys at the bottom-left of the pic. So I could have saved about $7 if I would have known. So about $14 total I spent on my final product!! Not bad for a personalized wreath you can use from September to Thanksgiving every year for a long time!! 

I am so glad I can start putting "M"s on things without judgment! I never did before, but sometimes you want to buy that really really cute thing on sale, but it has an initial on it, and you hope your initial changes in the near future, but don't want to be presumptuous and get your married initial before you're even engaged!  You know what I mean? 

Here is the final product hanging on Alex's front door! The white M shows up nicely from the road. I am impressed with myself. I'm the least crafty person I know! 

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Corbin & Carson turn 2 and 1!!

My great great friend & bridesmaid, Lindsey, came into town this weekend and had Bailey take her boys' pics for their 1st and 2nd birthdays. Carson Brooks just turned one in September and Corbin Blake is turning two this month!! Momma Lindsey's got her hands full!! I was just so so glad she was in town & we could hang out for a little bit. 

Every time she comes to town all of Lincolnton wants to see her & she also needs to spend time with her family, so I was glad we could hang out for a bit, even if we were glistening under the evening sun, acting a fool to attempt to get smiles out of the boys. They were out of their element at first, but find a dirty dog that will let them lay all over it, and some rocks for Corbin to throw in the pond & we were good to go! I can't wait to see all the pics. I even had Bailey snap a pic of me with each of the boys.. so I hope they turned out good of me and them! I can never get a decent pic with them! These boys are by FAR my favorite Godchildren! ;) 

Now.. for the purpose for this blog post :::

Ahhhhh!!! I am so so so in LOVE with the sneak peak pics Bailey Smith Photography posted on her Facebook wall. Go "Like" her page on Facebook!! 

Paper & Dresses

So, call me crazy, but I got SUPER excited when I found a font for my wedding "paper!" I keep calling it "wedding paper" because I don't know what else to call it. I plan on designing and creating my own save the dates, programs, invitations, all that.. so, when I say "wedding paper" that's what I mean. Anyways, I found the MOST PERFECT font EVER and can't wait to see all of its fabulousness on all our wedding paper! And it was a free font I found to download! You can't get much more amazing than that.

Next up on the agenda is ordering my dress and finding bridesmaids dresses that aren't too bridesmaidsy. I'd love any suggestions for inexpensive dresses that could be worn post-wedding! Oh... I got SO excited because one of my favorite radio personalities, Taylor Strecker, replied to one of my tweets to her! I asked her for a recommendation for a store that sold dresses that could double as a bridesmaid dress, and she replied back to let me know about Chloe and Reese. Well Chloe and Reese, you aren't in my price range. I know I'm not the one buying the bridesmaid dress, but, I'm not trying to make my bffs pay a ton of money "just because."

Do you suggest me search anywhere in particular? I'd love some suggestions! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My day. ... What if?

I had one of those days yesterday when nothing went right. To end the day, I broke my flashdrive. You know, the thing that held ALL my work-related everything and the thing I had NOT backed up since June. This has happened before. You'd think I'd learn. You'd think. Either way, I spent an entire day today in front of a computer, re-doing the notes I had done last week, that were due yesterday, and pulling any documentation I could recover via email. Let me tell was a fun day. Oh, and I stapled my finger this morning. That was a first. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt and it bled. But I had a fuss fest nice lunch with three of my awesome co-workers today. That was the highlight of my twelve-hour-workday. That and telling Paul about the time I cried going down the slopes at App Ski Mountain. Good times, good times.

I really shouldn't complain about my day, but that's what I've been doing. I fit into a size smaller pair of jeans today that I must have bought last year on clearance {because I know I did not wear that size last year.} That's a definite plus! And I laughed the whole way to work listening to Wake Up With Taylor on COSMO Radio and the local Ace & TJ Show {my two favorite morning shows}. That's something to be thankful for, right? ...Right!

I saw this on Pinterest tonight while I was watching two hours an hour and 45 minutes {I wasn't super into The Mindy Project} of comedy TV on FOX tonight. I love me some New Girl and tonight was the season premiere of Raising Hope. I had been missing that show!! Ben and Kate got me LOLing too, so, I'm probably going to add that to my list for now. I totally just got side-tracked {ADHD brain}... What I was saying was I saw this on Pinterest tonight:

Wow! What if??

I just want to say- Thank you, God, for loving me no matter how thankless or thankful I am. Thank you, for all your blessings, even those I find annoying and inconvenient.

It really makes you think, doesn't it? What if?