Sunday, February 17, 2013

Danita's Children

If you follow me on Instagram, or if you're my Facebook friend,
you saw this picture I posted today:

If you go to Covenant Bible Church, you probably know who this lady is.
But if you don't, don't you worry. Because I'm about to tell you...

In 2000, Danita Estrella-Watts founded Danita's Children, which provides a home for over 100 orphans, and provides a school, church, feeding program, and medical care for other impoverished children in Haiti. Our church loves us some Danita's Children and a group does missions there at least twice a year. Others who are able actually visit more often! You just hear wonder stories about the progress these children are making physically and spiritually! Danita is a true example of a Proverbs 31 woman & her team are nothing short of angels! 

Visit the Danita's Children website for a ton of information, pictures, videos, and to find out how you can help! I love how the agency & website is very transparent about their money-spending, saying:
"At Danita's Children, Hope for Haiti Children's Center, we value financial accountability, transparency and integrity in our practice of managing the donor's gifts to the highest good. Ninety-one (91) cents of every dollar given went directly to program expenses to rescue and care for the children."
Alex and I have decided to incorporate Danita's Children into our wedding day & I cannot wait to share with our guests! Ronda and I were going to talk to a few people who visit Danita's Children in Haiti often to see the best way to go about doing so, and low and behold... Danita herself was at church this morning!! We got to talk to her and Sheree, the U.S. Director of Danita's Children, and they were amazingly nice {as if I expected anything less!} and just so loving, congratulating us on our upcoming wedding and just being so thankful to us for thinking of them! I am hoping that Danita's Children will be blessed by our special day!

Until then, check out the website & check out these transformations that Danita's Children has help make possible...
     "Whether orphaned by a flood, abandoned in a trash bin, or left alone when AIDS stole their parents' lives away, the orphaned children at Hope for Haiti Children's Center find love and care for hope when they've had no family, no home, and no hope.
     We are more than a temporary home; more than a half-way house for children living between a childhood of suffering and an adult life of struggle. We are a family who believes there is always room for one more. We believe that love, particularly the love that comes from our Heavenly Father, is the single strongest force to combating the difficulties that these children face on a daily basis. We offer this love in the form of an open door, education, care for daily needs, and Christian teaching."

Jocelyn before

Jocelyn after
Lubenson before
Lubenson after
Rose Mica before & after

Loveka before

sweet Loveka

Loveka after