Tuesday, July 11, 2017

This past year.

I am the world's worst at journaling. I am the world's worst at a lot of things. And as you know, consistency is not my thing. It's something I truly yearn for & just haven't figured out yet. I also yearn to journal, so I feel guilty and beat myself up a lot about that.

Beating myself up isn't why I am posting this update though.

A whole year has gone by and I haven't blogged. and I LOVE blogging. Seriously, I do. So, that just goes to show ya. Maybe I just have more time in the summer so I finally get around to it. I wish I blogged more. If anything, I may just start a private blog to ACTUALLY journal. I can type my thoughts so much quicker than I can write them. And I have a lot of thoughts, y'all, contrary to what some of you jokesters may think! Some that may or may not be "public appropriate."

But actually, I've been a little busy this past year.

Image may contain: 1 personKaris Jane is no longer 3 months old.... HA! She is 16 months now, and just the best. Words can't express my love, the pride, the joy that girl brings my heart. I can't imagine a better child. I will believe until I die that God hand-picked her just for me. He knew what I could and couldn't handle. He knew I had no idea what I was doing. She's getting so big, so much more independent. But when anyone asks her whose girl she is she will plain as day tell you, "MA-MA!" That just makes my heart so full,  y'all. She did say Da-Da and Nana for a while when asked that question, but she said Mama one day to the question & hasn't looked back. (Sorry DaDa & Nana!)

Image may contain: 1 person, baby and outdoorWe took her for her now second beach trip this summer and she was a champ. She didn't sleep the whole way there & back like she did last summer when she was 5 months old. But, she played until she was wore out, napped great, waved to everyone on the beach, wasn't scared of the ocean, and was in her normal amazing mood 99% of the time.

She spent this past school year with Danae & her boys, Easton & Gavin, two days a week. That was a Godsend and I will forever be grateful to Danae for loving my girl so much. I never worried about her care and got some super sweet momentos from their craft days. KJ loves them all! KJ's "Nana" watched her the other 3 days of the week & that was a blessing in many forms. The most I worried about was her spoiling her rotten....which happened....so, that's that. Karis LOVES her Nana!!

Joke's on Nana though because after she spoiled her rotten, we moved into my in-laws' house! We sold our second home & are in the process of building our next, hopefully forever, home now. I know the Lord is calling us to build instead of buy. First, He calls us to be wise with our money, and buying right now just isn't the wisest decision for our family. Building is going to have to teach me patience, and the Good Lord knows I need it. I want it, and I want it right now. I am not a fan of waiting.

So now we all get to spend lots of quality time with Nana & "Pop," which is a blessing because they're also the best. I couldn't ask God for better in-laws. And Karis goes and hangs out with her Mimi (my mom) & Mawmaw (my grandmother) two evenings a week for a couple hours so they can get their Karis fix.

On April 25th we lost my beloved Pawpaw. I don't have the words right now for that. My heart has not fully healed, nor do I think it'll ever. Maybe one day I'll blog about it. But, I know Mawmaw's heart is happy, even for a little bit, when Karis comes to visit. Some days I work all day & miss that girl so much, but I know she needs her Mimi & Mawmaw time too. And plus, that gives me a couple hours of "me time" to do whatever I need or want to do.

I have been spending any "me time" I get starting my own little business, Nicole Mullen Designs. I sell mainly digital files on Etsy & so far, it's been a success! I really want to pour myself into that because it gives me the best return for my time. Time is so of the essence, y'all. I am learning that more and more these days. I have also started a Facebook group "Nicole Mullen Designs" to share what Cricut creations I have worked on for others & for our little family. (Join!) It keeps me as busy as I let it. I have to rein it in or else it'll consume me. I wish I could take orders from everyone full time, but realistically, I can't. So I've had to learn to say no. Which is hard, y'all!! I hate to turn down money too. But, again, time is of the essence. (I think I'm using that term correctly. I mean: time flies & you don't get it back, so spend it wisely.) I enjoy doing what I can when I'm able. I love making people happy & creating for KJ & myself.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, eyeglasses and textI am about to start my second year at Fred T. Foard High School. It has definitely been a change in scenery & I am grateful for the opportunity to work there and to have wonderful coworkers. I do miss my Hickory High people but keep up with them & their shenanigans and meet up with them as often as I can. FTF has given me the ability to spend more (again) TIME with Karis this year, being a little closer to home & us dividing the workload to enable me to leave at a decent hour most days. There's no way I could have done everything I was doing at HHS & have a newborn. I would have driven myself crazy & missed so much of KJ's first year. The Lord knows, y'all. He knew what I'd need & he knew I wouldn't leave that place for just anything. He made a way & opened a door & I am forever grateful for that.

Where this year will lead me, and us, I don't know. I hope to blog more but won't promise you. We have a couple big things coming up, including my big 3-0 (eek!) & hopefully this time next year we'll at least be settled into our new home.

Until then....

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