Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ten Minutes To Get You Through Your Day

After enough reminders from "the man upstairs" I vowed to kick certain areas of my life back into high gear! One of those areas being ten minutes to get you through your day. I can't tell you what it means to me to see that 390 people have joined my Facebook group. It means even more to me to see people commenting on the discussion posts/devotions. Comments like "I love your group!" or "Your devotion you posted really spoke to me." REALLY make my heart smile! I don't ask for compliments, or validation- but just hearing such things really is an encouragement! So, I do want to say THANK YOU to those who have joined, and to those who comment! I hope you continue to be blessed!

I posted a new devotion today on ten minutes to get you through your day. Please join if you haven't already! I hope you get to check it out. :)

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