Friday, March 19, 2010

Book Love

Today was a BEAUTIFUL day in Lincolnton! What a great way to start the weekend! Alex took the top off the jeep, came to pick me up, and we headed downtown to go walk! *Which, by the way, makes me miss my great great friend, Lindsey Jervis!*

Side note: Alex takes a whole different route than "normal people" when walking "downtown." Once we passed ZAXBY'S I said, "Okay, I'm turning around!"

So, we went walking downtown...{here comes the point of my story...} & we came across North State Books. I always walk/drive past the place, and I've been in there a few times, even bought a couple books in there. But my word! Let me tell you...this is what this place looks like!
There are books EVERYWHERE. This isn't an actual picture inside North State Books, but, really, that's what it looks like. I asked the man if there was any rhyme or reason to how the books were sorted. To shorten his answer: there kind of is but not so much anymore. If you're looking for something (or some kind of book) he can definitely point you in the general vicinity of where it'd be stored. And then, get to looking!

They have SO many books of all kinds in there! SUPER cheap too! Me, being the shopaholic I am, bought 8 books in there today! I only spent $35 though! :)

I bought: 

I used to own A Child Called It, He's Just Not That Into You, and It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken but I either lost them or lent them to friends who never returned them, so, for as cheap as they were, I just re-bought them! They were that good! :) I heard that You're Not That Into Him Either was pretty funny/good, so, what the heck!

I read She Said Yes in 7th grade- we may even have read it as a class actually... but it's about Cassie Bernall, who was a 17 year-old student at Columbine High School, who was asked "Do you believe in God?" before she was shot in the head and killed. Hence the title of the book, "She said yes." I remember liking it then, so, I bought it! :)

And, if you haven't ever read a Torey Hayden book, do yourself a favor and pick any of them and start reading. :) I'll review them as I read them. I have a to-read list a mile long! Better get to reading then, huh?!

1 comment:

  1. I love great book stores. It's something I miss about living in a big city. Being able to stumble upon places like that.


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