Monday, May 10, 2010

Date Day

Gosh! This weekend was such a good weekend! I don't know if it is because I have such a weight lifted off my shoulders because my school load is done for a few weeks, or if I was just in a genuinely good mood this weekend.

First, let me say that Alex & I have done the long-distance thing before, many times actually. I don't really consider our living situation right now "long distance" because really, we only live like 30 minutes away from each other. It's nothing to just drive for a quick visit and drive back- that is, if you don't have a full-time job, meetings, programs, "mandatory gym visits" {lol}, evening classes, duty, no energy, etc., etc. Since Alex got his job {which I am extremely thankful for!}, we have been doing the "see ya on the weekend" thing. Frankly, I'm not digging it, but we do what we have to. It makes the weekends that much more special, right? Right!

Well, this weekend was filled with fun! However, Friday came & no Alex. I was bummed because I had waited all week to see him and our time together last weekend was limited too. {Stupid finals!} He had a meeting or something of the sort until 8:30 that evening and I had to report to Midnight Breakfast duty at 9:15 so, hanging out wasn't an option Friday. Alex definitely made up for it on Saturday though!!

Bright & early I got up and got ready! Not my favorite thing to do on a Saturday {the bright and early part} but I knew Alex had a fun-filled day planned! I went to pick him up and we headed straight to the shoe store! I had been complaining to Alex for {probably} months now that I had "NO BROWN SHOES!" How am I supposed to wear anything in my wardrobe that has brown in it without brown summer shoes?! He wasn't 100% sympathetic of my pain {boys!} but, nevertheless, he still graciously offered to buy me a pair of new brown Rainbows! That right there would have made my day! I LOVE my black rainbows! {I also have a pink pair I hardly ever wear, and I ruined my first pair in Costa Rica soo...a brown pair was definitely "needed."}

We then headed straight for North Lake Mall! I had a makeover appointment at Sephora at 1:00 that afternoon and I/we were going to meet my FABULOUS friend, Jodi, at the mall for lunch! {Then the plan was for her to accompany me to Sephora & Alex find something to do for an hour or so!} I love love love Jodi and we recently decided we were going to be adopted sisters so, it was necessary for her and Alex to meet. ;) Spending time with Jodi NOT talking about school {we're classmates} was so much fun & we will have to do it again soon!
Here's us after our Sephora makeup makeovers/$hopping sprees! I love it! :)

After Sephora fun was over, I met back up with Alex and he, surprisingly, showed me where the mall sells Dippin Dots and we had some ice cream! {I say "surprisingly" because he's such a health nut lately.} Then we went to see Iron Man 2- which was pretty good for a "boy movie," I will say. It'll probably be like the first Iron Man, though, meaning that I'll forget everything in it in a year or two when they make the next movie in line. That'll happen. All the superhero movies run together in my head.

Then Alex informed me we had dinner reservations at 6:30.
We shared a yummy Chinese dinner at PF Changs. It was the first time either of us have been there. {Eliz, he didn't know I was boycotting it. :)} I'm not one for Chinese food, but Alex has been hearing such good things about PF Changs for so long now, that he was itching to try it out. I will say this- Egg Drop Soup is something I use to cringe when hearing it's name, but tried it and it honestly just tasted like Chicken Noodle Soup. :) Alex and I pretty much shared my plate of sesame seed chicken {the only thing I've ever liked at a Chinese restaurant in the past} and the yummy veggies. {OMG, did I just say "yummy veggies??" Alex is wearing on me!!} All in all, I'm glad to say I tried it, but it was more of the "surprise" and the dinner reservations and the making him happy that made dinner so special for me.

It was a GREAT day & I couldn't have asked for anything more! He's truly a gem and I couldn't be more blessed. Thank you, God, for such an awesome boyfriend!

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