Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Random update at 5AM

So earlier on Facebook, I posted a status saying something along the lines that I needed to get this paper written because I can't stay up until 4 AM again tonight and that by that time, my body would be on strike. Well, I guess it is- with a surprising twist! I finished ALL MY WORK FOR THE SEMESTER :D around 1:00 tonight, and have not been able to sleep since. It's a quarter til FIVE now. Ugh!

I have GOT to get on a better sleep schedule than this. {I think I've been saying that since the beginning of time.} But now that I'll have a semi-break for a few weeks, I really want to work on that. Also, be prepared to get some Facebook messages in your inbox saying that I have added new devotions to ten minutes to get you through your day. :)

I have written 36 pages of papers this weekendish and my brain is officially o-f-f. I'm awaiting my Statistics grade and, well, I'm afraid I might lose my 4.0 GPA. (Stats sucks and I'm SO glad I'll NEVER have to take a stats class again. {I think I said that before. Uh oh.} We shall see. (UPDATE: I made an A!)

I want to give a lil post-birthday shout to my bestgirlfriend, ALE ARCE. I view days as from when I wake up to when I go to sleep. I haven't gone to sleep yet, so, Ale, guess what! It's still your birthday! :) I hope you had fun out celebrating!

Random thought: I want to adopt a dog at an animal shelter!! I have Baby, which is MY baby. I love her to death. But, that doesn't mean I want her to be an "only child" forever. ONE DAY, when I have a permanent place of my own, and Baby's all settled in, and not going ballistic on my blinds, then I would love love love to go rescue a dog from the pound.

Okay, I think I might sleep now. Blogging is the new counting sheep.

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