Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Corbin meets his fairy Godmother! (& Alex)....

October 18, 2010 my fabulous Godson, Corbin, was born! Unfortunately it was four hours away and my crazy schedule kept me from being able to visit right away! One of my best friends, Lindsey, & her husband, Rhine are from Lincolnton {my hometown} and planned to visit for Thanksgiving. What a perfect time to get together! We planned to hang out Tuesday night and as soon as I could, I rushed home so I could meet Corbin finally & visit with Lindsey & Rhine! I enjoyed every minute of it and look forward to when Alex & I can go visit them in Wilmington {very} soon! I hate they live so far away and I hardly ever get to see them. Mine and Lindsey's phone dates are all I have right now! :) That & Facebook! ;)

Here are some pics from the evening!

Here is an example of Alex's hilarious photography skills. Surely he knew I wanted to be in the picture WITH Corbin....{I can hear him now, "Don't call me Shirley!" haha}

Corbin fell in love with Alex. He wouldn't take his eyes off of him....

See?!? :) ....

He's still watching...just doesn't know about this "poking" thing...

He's only about five weeks old, so he doesn't do much...but he sure is pretty to look at! :)

I tried to get a pic of Linds with Corbin but, he decided to play dinosaur instead...She looks so great for just having had a baby!! {Pretty sure that's not correct English}

Here's Alex again...I think he loves Corbin already! :)

FINALLY! Here's {a decent} one of Corbin & his "fairy Godmother!"

What a perfect Godchild I have! I am so blessed!

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