Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I can't believe it's the last day of November.....

I have been MIA in the blogging world and with good reason. My life has been consumed with this dreaded meta-analysis I have been working my butt off on! I can't explain to you how oh-so-good it feels to have that thing submitted for grading! That was the peak of my semester I believe...and now it's all downhill from here! Yesterday was a 7am-11pm kind of day...today I have much more free time to get some things marked off my to-do list.

I started Couch-to-5k again. I pretty much got super busy after Week 2 last time I started it and it kinda feel to the bottom of my priorities list. After that delicious Thanksgiving meal, it is back on the priority list! I started back on Week 2....I'm 2 out of 3 days down this week so far & might attempt a little "over and beyond." Alex and I made a sweet little deal too... if I complete the 9 weeks of the program, I will get a nice "surprise" :) ... I never said bribery wouldn't motivate me!!

For someone who feels like they have ZERO spare time (and  yesterday was a fabulous example) I sure am adding things to my plate. I am very excited about some things coming up and some things I am starting... as I get started I will update! I am praying I stay motivated and encouraged and everything works out for the best! I am letting God lead the way because I am living on auto-pilot right now.

I've just gotta get these last minute assignments completed so I can just sit back and relax as long as possible in the month of December! Wow....this year has FLOWN by. December already?! That kind of relieves me though, as I am officially counting down until May! :)

Side note: Did anyone catch the Taylor Swift: Speak Now special on NBC Thanksgiving night?? I just had a chance to watch it last night. {Thank you TiVo for saving me again!} This special just made me fall more in love with Taylor Swift. I really think she's my favorite.

Another side note: I thought it was funny that ABC has a Beyonce special on, also on Thanksgiving night. I have heard one too many Taylor vs. Beyonce "arguments" & I just had to chuckle that these were on on the same night. I personally love Taylor way more but I want to try to catch the Beyonce special on ABC.com sometime if I get a chance. They are just too different to compare people, so stop trying! :)

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