Thursday, December 16, 2010

One Last Christmas

I can not wrap my mind around the concept behind this video. Children die of cancer every day but we don't often think of the special, magic time of Christmas, and that this Christmas might be that child's last, if they make it. I am absolutely in love with the fact that this community came together to give this child a last Christmas, and it didn't have to be "time" yet. Christmas is a spirit, a reason to give and to love. We often times forget that. I can't imagine having a sick child or loved one during the holidays. I pray I never have that experience, but my heart especially goes out to those who do have to experience that this, and every other, Christmas. May this video remind you of what's truly important in life: love, family, community, and giving. I know it sure reminded me. Thank you, Matthew West, for writing this song, and thanks to Dax's family who shared their inspirational story.

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