Tuesday, December 14, 2010

happy happy joy joy

There is no simpler way to say it other than I am excited!

I am excited...
  • Because I have officially turned in my last piece of work for the Fall semester. Just waiting on grades now...
  • Because I am getting an elective course credit (3 actually, if that wasn't assumed) for a week-long class this week. If I can get the work done this week and/or shortly after, then I won't have any work to do over Christmas Break or coming into the Spring semester!
  • I got permission to walk in May instead of having to wait until December!
  • I joined Mary Kay and within the first week have not one, but two fabulous recruits!! Much love to my awesome girlfriends Becky and Melissa!! 
  • I got some free jewelry for having a Premier Design jewelry party...loving all the new shiny jewelry in my collection! 
  • Christmas break is just days away...
  • I get to see some girl friends this weekend... Carolina, Kelly, & Bethany! We're having a triple date at the Cheesecake Factory....I can taste it now....
Things will always go wrong. I will probably always have some sort of family drama or stress from work or classes... But one thing is for sure... there are reasons to be happy!  I will remember that, thank God, and rejoice in my current happy thoughts! :)

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