Thursday, December 9, 2010

World War told by this awesome little girl

Here's another from the fabulous blakekelly0 of YouTube. {Did you miss the first one? Click here.} This little girl would keep. me. entertained! and that is for sure! For as young as she is, she seems to be fairly intelligent. Misinformed perhaps...but she definitely has a great imagination!! :)

In this one, she's explaining World War II to us...

Some great quotes from this one are:
  • "The EGYPTIANS! . oh wait, that was wrong..."
  • "The World War II...I mean three! Sorry, three!"
  • "They all went, 'Okay, we'll do that!'"
  • "And all the Egyptians died because the sun was making them SO HOT."
  • "The Army guys made their own houses out of clothes, and then they made clothes, out of sewings."
  • "And the kid, who was very, very, very BIG......she was four..."
Check it out for yourself!!

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