Monday, January 24, 2011

My Week in Pictures

So I got a little busy this past week. So busy that I haven't blogged in 10 days, except for the prayer request for Ravonda. But I have been attempting to keep up with my 365 project, so, here is a review in pictures of my last ten days.

January 14th, went out to eat with Alex & his parents and I was introduced to the best salad ever made...

I don't remember what I did last Saturday but it was obviously not very eventful since my picture of the day is a picture of a fab Columbia rain jacket I got at Goodwill for less than FIVE dollars! The tags were still on it & everything! It was an $80ish jacket I do believe the tag said! Talk about a great deal! Can't wait until it's warm enough to wear it!

Sunday I gave my friend Ingrid a Mary Kay facial! She tried & loved our mineral foundation! Girls, you've gotta try it if you haven't already!

January 17th I was at home, enjoying every minute of it. This picture frame sits on my empty dresser at Mawmaw & Pawpaw's in my room. I got this for them for Christmas and love it! The picture on my Pawpaw giving me a kiss when I was a baby & then the other two are older pictures of my grandparents. The one on the right is one of my favorites! "All because two people fell in love." ♥

Tuesday: Showing off another piece of evidence that I am still in that animal print phase.

Wednesday: took down some Christmas decorations & added some "winter" decorations to my kitchen table! $1 each at The Dollar know it!!

Thursday: This is one of the only good things about getting up this early for anything...seeing the sun rise! I saw it every day I went to my internship this week. It really puts you in a great mood that early in the morning! :)

Friday I got my first Mary Kay commission check in the mail! It was small but it reminded me of all the opportunities I have ahead of me in this business if I will only put forth some effort!

Saturday I went to visit the amazing Ravonda Mauldin at the Hospice house she is staying in. I got to visit with her & her daughter Alana (pictured)- who is one of the sweetest girls ever! Ravonda is struggling and her health is failing, but I can not tell you the joy it brought to my heart to add a smile to her face and make her laugh in her moments of awareness. Lord, thank you for that.
Sunday had the day free, which rarely happens, so I took immediate advantage of the opportunity to go visit my grandmother & some of my family "for Christmas." I love this woman! She's a mess!

I am excited to say that this week is over, I am going to bed, and best of all...I will NOT be waking up at 5:30 in the morning! I am not even going to set my alarm!! Best feeling ever!! Now, watch me get up early just out of habit now....Stay tuned! ;)

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