Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prayer Request

If you will please, please take a moment to pray for Ravonda Mauldin of Lincolnton, NC. She is a sweet friend to my mother, with 2 girls, Haley, a senior in high school, & Alana, 23. She is losing her battle with cancer & Alana tells me the doctor has given her a couple more weeks to live. Please pray that God's healing mercy be upon Ravonda's body & the hearts and souls of her children & everyone who loves her. This is such a difficult time and I'm not sure there's anything we can do, BUT PRAY. So please, take a moment and lift this family up tonight and in the upcoming days. The Lord knows they will surely need it! Miracles happen every day & I am not above thinking God can't work one today in this family! Pray pray pray!



  1. Nicole,

    I am not sure if you remember or not, but we all used to go to Country Club Children's Academy. I babysat for Ravonda (I would keep Haley, while Alana was in girl scouts). I loved Hayley and Alana so much, they were the sweetest little girls. I am just now reading this, so I hope it isn't too late. I will definitely be praying for God's ultimate healing and for peace for Haley and Alana during this difficult time. I would love to send a card to her, if possible. Do you have her address? Thanks,
    Kelsey Morgan

  2. Kelsey, thank you for the message. They are the sweetest girls! Unfortunately, Ravonda passed away January 28th. Her funeral will be February 20th at Asbury Church. If you are interested in attending, shoot me a Facebook message and I can let you know the time. Still pray for the girls! Alana is on Facebook a lot if you are interested in friending her. Would you like their address still? Thanks so much again!


Let me know what you think! :)