Sunday, May 1, 2011


So, yesterday I looked at  my blog, and I noticed that little blog counter to the left. You know...this thing:
Well, yesterday I looked, and got excited because I was *3* visitors away from SIX THOUSAND visitors! And today, low & behold, I'm 29 over that number!! I don't know how, but that's awesome!! That's especially awesome because I set my counter up to count individual visitors, not the number of times visitors visit my site. That means that 6,000 PEOPLE have either checked out or stumbled upon my blog! Maybe it's my Facebook friends that decided to {finally} take a looksie. :) Either way, I am glad you are here! 

Do you have a blog? Or Google reader? Or anything else you use/could use to follow blogs? 
If so, I would love to hear from you!
Sometimes it's okay to be a follower

So please, hit that button that looks like this...
& say hello! :)

Either way, thank you for stopping by!

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