Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bathroom Transformation

There really has been so so so so so much progress made on the house in such a short amount of time! I haven't blogged much about it because I didn't know the best way to go about doing it, you know, with not everything being completed yet, etc. Any suggestions would be helpful! But I did use this picture in a previous post as a bathroom decorating inspiration:

The bathroom's not nearly as big as the one in this photo but the light blueish gray & white with silver color scheme is what I was after!

Today we basically completed the bathroom. Little decor things need to go in there, along with towels, but the major stuff is done.

Here is a couple BEFORE pictures to give you an idea of what we were working with:
notice the floors & the scratched up door

notice the vanity...yikes!

an old light fixture...
and the chip on the wall started looking like this...
then later grew to this...

and the floor was ripped up...

and the "chip on the wall" eventually grew to this monster, which required professional assistance.

The vanity was GOING to be painted, but it was rotting...

so we ripped it out {I use the word "we" lightly}, along with the toilet Alex broke... Oops!

This is a glimpse of the mirror "before" & into the curtain-less shower

As you can see....we had a lot to work on! Again, I use the word "we" lightly, and often times out of context, haha, but still... you get where I'm going here! And just so you know, the "chip on the wall" was peeled paint. You know, that inconvenient "texturized" paint that the previous owners must have applied right to the dry wall! We attempted to start peeling and quickly got to a point where we could peel no more.

And remember: this is what I want it to look like in the end:

Well, after "we" had to have a professional to come in and give the walls a good sanding and a coat {or two} of skim coat to give us a clean, flat wall to work with..."we" could begin!

The walls were painted "Going Gray" {that's the color name} and ceramic tiling was put in and new molding was put around the base of the walls. A new vanity was put in as well, along with a new light fixture, and the much-needed toilet.

I really really really wanted to take the mirror off the wall & find a cute white framed mirror to put in its place. Unfortunately, the bathroom mirror is glued to the wall with magic glue because not even taking a hammer to that thing would budge it!! The ends were turning colors though & it was just not a pretty mirror, so Alex's mom came up with a great idea!! She thought of finding some molding at Lowe's, painting it, and gluing it to the super super super glued mirror to appear as if it were a frame!! BEST. IDEA. EVER! Saved me some money on a new mirror & it looks great!!

Again, we need some little decor-ish things in there, and some pretty towels, but this is what we have so far:
the new paint, molding, toilet, & ceramic tiling
the new vanity
I am seriously so in love with this shower curtain. It's actually a Water Shed shower curtain & liner (2-in-1) but the idea of that scares me, so we also have a liner that's white! But I found it at Home Goods for $12.99!! Such a deal compared to if I would have found it {& of course I would have bought it} at Bed Bath & Beyond! But I was looking for something to match, something that wasn't too boyish, not too girlish either...and this shower curtain was just sent right down from Heaven!! You can't tell from the pics, but it's a paisley print with the color of the walls, black, white, and a bright aqua/turquoise-ish color.
Got my bathroom scene pic at Hancock Fabrics on clearance...Gotta love a good sale! ;)

full effect???

new light fixture & the molding turned mirror frame...

This was seriously the most transformed room in the house, which is why it's probably my favorite! It gives the house a{nother} pop of color and feels so bright, fresh, & clean! Exactly how a bathroom should be, in my opininon!

Do you see my inspiration in the finished product? 
Basically all that I got from it was the paint color idea/room color scheme & the idea of a white framed mirror! 
Either way, I consider this room a MAJOR success!!!

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