Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Summer To-Do...

There are so many things that I've put off, pushed aside, or legitimately not had time to do. I've lost focus on a lot of important things and really just let a lot of things go. No matter what goes on in life, the world doesn't stop. It'll just keep on going without you & you'll miss it all if you're not careful.

As of right now, I do not have an agency counseling internship lined up. Lord willing, I will find the perfect one {for me} soon. If I don't, I might be in trouble and risk not graduating on time. :/ But I am trusting that the Lord provides, as He always has in the past. :) I also am not planning on having a summer job for the first time EVER. Okay, since I was like 15, but still. It's been a while! Not knowing if where & when I'll be interning, it's hard to commit to something. I also have said that I've run myself crazy for the last two years, filling up spare time of mine, and for the first time in a LONG time, I want some spare time! I don't want to intern full time, and then work all weekend every weekend. I don't want to intern all day then work all night. I mean really, something's gotta give!- and I vote a minimum wage job that relates non whatsoever to my Masters degree I'm completing! Sounds fair enough.

But, the bills will still be rolling in, so, I must do SOMEthing. So, I definitely will be working my Mary Kay business. I haven't been able to do that as much this semester {but I knew that going into the business} but this summer I will, and I want to! The multiple benefits from selling Mary Kay cosmetics are there and waiting on me to go get them!

But there's other things I want to do
  1. Join a small group/Bible study.
  2. Attend church on a weekly basis again
  3. Get back into the Word more, reading my Bible & doing daily devotions again-- something that should have never slacked to begin with.
  4. Posting to ten minutes to get you through your day & Fabulous Fulfillment. It really makes my heart smile to know that people actually read those things! :)
  5. Turn old and scratched up pieces of furniture into newly painted love pieces of furniture :) 
  6. Read for pleasure
  7. Visit the beach at least once
  8. Start running again
  9. Two words: Weight Watchers
  10. Get and keep a tan...something that's been hard to do in summer's past when I'm cooped up in an office!
  11. Reconnect with some people...
  12. Connect with some new people...
  13. And just make sure I embrace each day, not worrying about the million things on my to-do list, what has & hasn't been done, deadlines, paperwork, responsibilities...
 I know that sounds a little far off into fairtytale land, but is that really too much to ask for? Ok, ok... I know I'll still have responsibilities, things to do, places to be... But I really just want to focus on DEstressing. & I think it's possible if I have less things on my plate!

I am looking forward to Summer 2011 for many reasons...But enjoying the beautiful Spring season while we have it! :)

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