Wednesday, September 14, 2011

In a morning funk & right back out....

This morning was not my morning. Nothing bad happened. But it was just "one of those mornings." And I will tell you EXactly why.

For the past two days, I have planned on going to the gym super early in the morning. Like 5:30-6:30 early. Going to the gym in the morning makes so much sense to me. I would start my day off with doing something positive. I would get my heart and my blood flowing. I would only have to take one shower a day. I have to be at work at 9:00 instead of 8:00, so that's another incentive. But more importantly, I wouldn't have to go when I get off work! I got in the routine of going and working out, then when I started working, I just don't want to anymore. I took a week off {big mistake} and for the past two days I've tried to get back in the habit of working out. It has to be a habit or else consider it not happening. Well, I get sleepy driving home after work and the last thing I want to do is spend an hour on the elliptical {or doing anything else at the gym for that matter}. But for the past two days, I've done it anyways. Trying to form that habit.  I get so sad though, thinking about driving half an hour home every day, then spending an hour at the gym, then by the time I go home, shower, and eat dinner, there's little time for quality time with the boy, cleaning, doing laundry, or, you know, catch up on DVR'd shows-- especially if I want to get to bed EARLY like I'll need to if I'm going to do this early morning workout thing.

I don't know what in the world I'm gonna do once all my favorite shows return.

{You can tell I have my priorities lined up.}

But anyways, for the second morning in a row I have not  gotten up to workout. Correction: I get up, then I go RIGHT back to sleep. Then when I wake up and get ready, having to pack my clothes for the gym after work, I get SO mad at myself for not getting up and going earlier that morning. Then I just get thrown in a funk the rest of the day, mad at myself, feeling lazy and guilty for not doing what I know I should have done.

That may sound silly to you, because really- who gets up at 5:15 in the morning when they don't absolutely have to? But it makes sense to me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who kicks themselves when they don't do what they know they should have.

Here's some of my relatable Pinterest finds:

But to help me get out of my funk this morning, I have Bits of Truth to thank, for this:

Amen! I really should just be quiet and try again tomorrow. I have nothing I {should} complain about!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole!! My most helpful tip is to just turn the lights on as soon as the alarm goes off! It sucks to do it..but once you do... you'll instantly wake up. I used to even drink a couple sips of water before bed (not a cup) and then I'd have to go to the bathroom as soon as the alarm went off too. This way I'm already up and the lights are on. Once you have on good morning workout, you'll remember how good it felt the next morning and have more motivation to do it!

    Also, sometimes I would think I was crazy for getting up at 5:15am because nobody else was...or so I thought...but another tip was to not look at the alarm so I wouldn't think I was crazy and think about all the other fit people I know waking up and doing it.

    Let me know if that works! Also, maybe try a group exercise class at 6am instead...sometimes it gives you something to look forward to :)


Let me know what you think! :)