Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thankful in 2012

Lots has gone on since the last time I posted. Christmas and New Years came and went. Christmas was far from normal & probably one of my worsts. When I'm feeling kinda of blah, like I am right now, I like to stop, snap back to reality, and remember all the things that the good Lord has blessed me with!! I need a reminder every now and then of things I am thankful for, of things I have been given, of things I probably typically overlook or take for granted. 

Let me start off by saying that GOD DOES WORK!! I have nothing but thankfulness and joy in my heart when reporting that my Pawpaw is doing SO much better!! He is at HOME now, getting better every day!! I am so glad to have him back with us, being so glad to see us walk through the door, asking how our day was, and fussing about something he saw on the news. I wouldn't have it any other way! :)

I am super thankful for Alex's family who took me in on Christmas Day & treated me as if I was one of their own! I love them for that! Heck, I love those guys anyways! It feels so reassuring to date someone with a good Christian family. I don't know what I'd do if I had to worry about future in-laws, or passive aggressiveness, or any other negative thing other people seem to have to worry about. 

I am thankful for new beginnings! 2012 is here. It started off with a 4 day weekend and for THAT I am thankful! I needed time off, sleep, and just some good ol' R&R. It TOTALLY jacked up my sleep schedule, but heck, isn't that what the holidays are for?!

I am thankful I can say that Alex and I spent another year being able to say "happy January 4th" to each other.  9 years ago we went from best friends to boyfriend & girlfriend.  We have had our bumps in the road but we are getting stronger every day!! I am so glad that we made it to year #9.

I am thankful that my pay raise went into effect two weeks earlier than I thought it would! To some, that's nothing. But to me, that was something extra for those I love at Christmas time, and it makes me so happy to give to others!! I wish I made enough money so that I could buy people presents every time I saw something in the stores and thought, "He or she would love this!"

I am thankful for heated seats in my car, hot water coming out of my shower, and for the fact that I do not live in Boone, NC anymore!! Man oh man I am sick of the cold weather already!! The thermometer in my car read 22 degrees the other morning!! That is just stupid!!

I am thankful for so much more. Really, I am. But right now, I am thankful for my bed, my comfy sheets, and my iPhone that will wake me up in time to go to the JOB I am thankful for! ;)

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