Sunday, November 11, 2012

3rd annual trip to the Southern Home Christmas Show

This past week I took a day off work and it wasn't a holiday! When your Mawmaw asks you to accompany her to the Southern Home Christmas Show, you go! It was just a plus that she wanted to go on opening day, which was a Thursday, and I got to have a mini breather in a crazy, crazy work week. {Of course when you take a day off work though, work piles up while you're gone! But it was so worth it to me to get to hang out with my Mawmaw, friend Tashah, and aunt Georgia!} Now, it was the first day, on a Thursday, and we got there about 11:00... and let me tell you, it was PACKED! We were trying to avoid the crowds. So much for that! But all in all, we had a great time! About 4 hours of walking around like cattle, looking at all the Christmas everything!! It was great!! Here's a couple pics from our day...

Entrance ... Preparing you for all the Christmas crazy!! :) 

Just a sign I liked :)
Here's a pic of the best jewelry cleaner ever! It's by Sunshine Products and I have seriously been thinking about this stuff for over a year! I got my jewelry cleaned there last year using the stuff, and for whatever reason didn't buy it. This year I was on a mission to find the stuff & get me some! There's actually two vendors there selling the stuff {same price, I checked} so you can't miss it! This stuff can even clean "costume jewelry" but O-M-G the polishing cream is a tarnish remover and makes a silver {or gold, or brass, or whatever metal} piece look brand spankin' new!
***Side note: There's a sweet wedding-related post coming about this stuff...Stay tuned!!!***

 And this was as low-carb as I could get at the Christmas show! I ate most of this chicken caesar spinach wrap and was STUFFED. It was alright, but hands down the healthiest thing there to eat! It was either that or a "puff," pizza, barbecue, cheeseburgers, etc. You get the idea. I don't know how many carbs this thing had, but if this was the worst thing I ate all day, I'm doing good!! :) Definitely not worth $7 though. They get ya on the food for sure!

I am so glad my dear friend Tashah got to get off work & come with us for the 2nd year in a row!! We probably said "this is cute!" a million times! Me & Mawmaw don't always have the same taste, so it's good to have another young'n there to oodle at sparkly Christmas things :)

And the award for the most awkward Christmas ornament goes to....the blingy merman soccer player with this shirt unbuttoned!!
This crazy unique ornament actually came from the December Diamonds [@DecDiamonds on Twitter] vendor, who I got a fab little blingy lanyard for my school badge for only FIVE DOLLARS!! Best deal I've ever seen on those things so now I finally have me one....go gets yours when you visit the show this year!
sorry for the bad pic..
and for the fact I threw  a blanket on top of me
instead of showing the lanyard on top of my pajama t-shirt :)
Ahhhh!! And here's the best hot chocolate ever!! It's from a little vendor out in Tennessee. They let you sample their double dutch hot chocolate, their white hot chocolate, and their other one that didn't sound nearly as good as double dutch or white chocolate hot chocolate... but nevertheless, I bought the double dutch last year & the white chocolate this year!! O-M-G.. for a coffee hater, this stuff hits the spot! You've gotta try it!

And last but not least, I got another ring this year! Every year I go and get a nice ring to wear all the time. The first year I got the white one. The vendor had free engraving on site which was amazing, and you can't tell from the pic, but there's an N engraved on the white ring. Last year I went back, looking for that vendor, and they were nowhere to be found. :( So I found myself another fab vendor, got me the turquoise ring and fell in love! You will 95% of the time see me wearing one or the other. I just had to get me another one this year! I looked at all the jewelry vendors, wasn't super thrilled, until I came across this vendor! Low & behold it was the same vendor from last year. I probably would have never guessed {just because my memory's so bad} but thanks to Tashah and her great memory for faces, she realized it was the same vendor! Also, while looking for a ring in my size, Tashah found a black ring {I had told her that's what I was looking for}in my size!! And guess what!! It's the same exact ring as my turquoise one!! I LOVE it!! :) Thanks Tashah!! I'm so glad you went!! 

We returned home with the simple reminder that it's not quite Christmas time yet. There were fall leaves all OVER Mawmaw & Pawpaw's yard!! I love it. Fall, stay forever!! But since I know you won't, Christmas coming right after makes it okay...I guess. :)

and I mean everywhere!
Sisters ~ Aunt Georgie & Mawmaw
My favorite lady!! MY MAWMAW
I just love special trips and memories like that day. :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I see you like the December Diamonds mermen ornaments. I actually have just stared collecting them and have created my own website for this collection. I don't have the soccer player from your photo (called Goalie) but a few others. Maybe you'd like to check out my blog :)


Let me know what you think! :)