Monday, November 5, 2012

Going Low-Carb!

So I'm going to let it all out there! It's my blog & I'll do what I want! Sometimes I share personal things, sometimes I talk about my favorite TV shows. Sometimes I talk about 9/11. There's no common theme up in here... it's just what I want, when I want, and that's how I like it! :)

I'm gonna get a little more personal right now, and share with you "my new thing." I say this, knowing how I am... I start things and I never finish them. I admit it! BUT- this new ADHD medication something inside me has got me motivated. MAYBE it's the fact I'm getting married in less than six months {Eek!} but I don't care what it is, as long as this "thing" sticks!!

"My new thing" is a low-carb diet. I went to the doctor, primarily to tell him that all I want to do is sleep, and I've been eating better, even exercising more, and still- nothing! I didn't feel right and I knew this wasn't  the way I was supposed to feel, and quite frankly, I just didn't like it. I diagnose people every day with ADHD, so I knew I had that. Like knew beyond a shadow of a doubt. But this was something different. Well, he blamed my not sleeping well and no energy and yada yada to my diet. Go figure!! If I would have walked in there with a bloody arm he probably would have blamed it on my morning Mello Yello. But, I had to finally put my tail between my legs and realize... he went to medical school and I. did. not. I'm sure he knew what he was talking about, and if he didn't, I could say "I told you so" to him, but only after I tried things his way. He suggested a low-carb diet and ditching my morning Mello Yello the sugary drinks. I told him there's no way I'm cutting out the soft drinks cold turkey again. Last time I had MAJOR headaches. He suggested cutting however much I drink now in half, and keep cutting in half every week until I'm completely off of them. Well it didn't take me long to realize he wants me off them in two weeks!! I will try low-carb, but my Mello Yello is my baby and I just didn't know how I was going to feel about getting rid of it altogether.

I talked to a couple friends who have had great success with low-carb diets. One suggested staying under 20 carbs a day.

Do you know how many carbs are in my morning Mello Yello???
Forty! Seven! 
And still. I couldn't fathom my life without it. 

But, for the past four days, I have been successful!! I am not drinking two soft drinks a day. I'm opening up a can in the morning and if I don't finish it, I don't finish it. I think only one of the four days so far I've finished it. The medication really makes my mouth dry, so I'm drinking more water than ever!  I've been eating a protein bar in the morning, which, really isn't low-carb, but I might still have to find something low-carb I can eat on the go. No time for fixing breakfast...I love to sleep too much!! I've been eating boiled eggs for lunch. And I've made the BEST quesadillas for dinner. I've been switching it up between that, grilled chicken salads, and steaks the past four days.

After dinner tonight with my new friend Laura :) I learned that I have been eating less carbs than I thought!! I obviously had no idea what I was doing, and had been counting the total carbs on all my nutrition facts! Well, come to find out, with a low-carb diet, you subtract the Dietary Fiber and the Sugar ALCOHOLS (not the sugar) from the Total Carbohydrates to give you what they call "net carbs!" Who knew?!?! I probably would if I'd read info on the Atkins diet, everyone tells me. But anyways... so those tortillas I had been using on my low-carb quesadillas that I thought were 10g of carbs each are only 3!!!!!!!!!! Woohooo!! So I've been limiting my carbs, and still eating less than what I thought!! And, a little birdy told me I can eat bacon on a low-carb diet, so, I'm basically sold.

I'm now on a mission to find low-carb everything. I know it's possible! I want to do this so bad!! I know things will come up.. like my Christmas bridal shower, and, you know, the holidays. But if I give myself something to look forward to, and limit my "cheat days" to a cheat meal, or not three cheat days in a row, I think I'll be okay. It's for sure better than what I've been doing!!

And Laura told me something else that you probably already knew but I didn't... I can trade my morning Mello Yello in for an ice cold Diet Dr Pepper and save myself the 47 carbs!! Diet soft drinks have 0 carbs. I am not a diet drink fan, and I'm sure they're equally as bad for you but just in other ways, BUT... it will satisfy my craving for yummy liquid tasting drink in the morning {a.k.a. not water or black coffee} and will work on weaning me off caffeine as well!! I know I won't be finishing the cans, but it'll be a much better substitute! So now I will for sure be staying under my goal of 20ish carbs a day!! I'm excited!!

I'm really going to try to track what I'm doing. I'll try harder to share with y'all as well. :)


  1. my blog is random as well, so i welcome the randomness. i know i will struggle my whole life with weight due to my thyroid and my poor diet choices, but goodness, sometimes i just want a regular coke and french fries... so it is a lifestyle change. i will be praying for you. lots of water:)

  2. Woman we do need to have lunch and talk.. I have been no carb/sugar for almost 2 years.. def the way to go.. I have a TON of no carb recipes I can send you too... or I will post them on my blog for you to read :)

    After 2 weeks your taste buds will change and it WILL get easier.. You will get "carb-starve" headaches too so be prepared...

  3. Heya i am for the first time here. I came across this
    board and I find It really useful & it helped me out a lot.
    I hope to give something back and aid others like you helped me.
    My website ; Carb Backloading Review


Let me know what you think! :)