Monday, January 31, 2011

Digging in the Word!

I am loving doing my morning devotions! I've learned if I can shower & {here's the key:} dry my hair at night, then I have made time in the mornings to spend some time in the Word. It is making such a positive difference in my day! They don't take a lot of time and are actually really enlightening! What probably takes the most time is sharing what I have learned on in my Facebook group. {Someone let me know if those links don't work please!} It's just too good of information not to share! It especially drives me to share when I get comments, etc. of people telling me they've read it & enjoyed it. It's my way I've found to share the Word of I guess that makes getting up at the crack of dawn worth it! :)

Here is today's verses. I have a parallel Bible and it has The Message and the NIV versions in it. I like reading both and comparing them. Here below I have combined the two to form the verses that speak to my heart the most.

"Why would you ever complain, O Jacob,
or whine, Israel, saying
'God has lost track of me.
He doesn't care what happens to me'?
Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening?
God doesn't come & go. God lasts.
He's Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath.
He knows everything, inside & out. [The MSG]
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired & weary
and young men stumble & fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint." [NIV]
-Isaiah 40:27-31

I have also really been enjoying reading Proverbs 31 Ministries' Facebook postings and  the devotions they post on their website. I get their daily texts/devotions on my phone & they are ALL SO GOOD! I am actually in love with their whole website and look forward to purchasing and reading Made to Crave. I can't wait to share more about that with you later! :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday "Morning" Blogging

The maintenance men are here replacing all the lights in my apartment so, I am trying to pass the time by catching up on some blogging! I really don't want to leave, and I can't shower, and I can't watch TV because they're loud, so.. on with the blogging! :)

So, like I said in my previous blog...last week was a busy one for me! I knew it would be a doozy so I spent as much time as possible at home on Sunday & Monday. There's just something that eases my mind being at home. I say my apartment is my temporary home because it's where my stuff is. But stuff isn't what makes a's the people. Unfortunately, I like for my stuff and my people to be in the same place- and that's not the case right now and it won't be for at least the next 16 weeks...and I'm okay with that {for the next 16 weeks}. But I must say that I can not wait to graduate and move my stuff closer to my people. And I say that not only for the obvious reason(s), but also because any time I go home I seriously over-pack and it is SUCH a hassle to go anywhere overnight.

Now, I started my internship this week! Or, rather, I started my internship hours this week. I mainly spent the week proctoring EOC exams, which is a completely boring but necessary task so, I did it. :) I woke up at 5:30 every day but Monday this week and please let me tell is kicking. my. butt! Y'all know me....I am NOT a morning person and I can't ever manage to get to sleep before midnight {at the least}. So, you can imagine what I've been like this week waking up at 5:30 and working until 11pm one night, class until 9:30 another, and the usual RD nightly shenanigans. I have been starting to take Melatonin to get me sleepy and keep me sleeping throughout the night {or, as I should more correctly say: throughout the 3-5 hours of sleep I've been getting.} But this week the students at Maiden High School will receive a needs assessment asking who wants to start seeing me for individual or group counseling and then the following week I will have to get a serious move on so I can complete my 150 direct hours before April 22nd. Eek! It'll be okay though...I love Maiden & interning there!

This week will be a lot less crazy of a week and I thank God for that. I get to sleep in again!! Monday & Tuesday were originally teacher workdays to prepare for the new semester starting this week so, I will not be interning Monday and Tuesday. I'll have to take this time to finally finish taking my Christmas decorations down, go to the gym, rest up, work on some school work, and hopefully schedule some Mary Kay facials. I am going to try to enjoy every minute of it!!

My Week in Pictures

So I got a little busy this past week. So busy that I haven't blogged in 10 days, except for the prayer request for Ravonda. But I have been attempting to keep up with my 365 project, so, here is a review in pictures of my last ten days.

January 14th, went out to eat with Alex & his parents and I was introduced to the best salad ever made...

I don't remember what I did last Saturday but it was obviously not very eventful since my picture of the day is a picture of a fab Columbia rain jacket I got at Goodwill for less than FIVE dollars! The tags were still on it & everything! It was an $80ish jacket I do believe the tag said! Talk about a great deal! Can't wait until it's warm enough to wear it!

Sunday I gave my friend Ingrid a Mary Kay facial! She tried & loved our mineral foundation! Girls, you've gotta try it if you haven't already!

January 17th I was at home, enjoying every minute of it. This picture frame sits on my empty dresser at Mawmaw & Pawpaw's in my room. I got this for them for Christmas and love it! The picture on my Pawpaw giving me a kiss when I was a baby & then the other two are older pictures of my grandparents. The one on the right is one of my favorites! "All because two people fell in love." ♥

Tuesday: Showing off another piece of evidence that I am still in that animal print phase.

Wednesday: took down some Christmas decorations & added some "winter" decorations to my kitchen table! $1 each at The Dollar know it!!

Thursday: This is one of the only good things about getting up this early for anything...seeing the sun rise! I saw it every day I went to my internship this week. It really puts you in a great mood that early in the morning! :)

Friday I got my first Mary Kay commission check in the mail! It was small but it reminded me of all the opportunities I have ahead of me in this business if I will only put forth some effort!

Saturday I went to visit the amazing Ravonda Mauldin at the Hospice house she is staying in. I got to visit with her & her daughter Alana (pictured)- who is one of the sweetest girls ever! Ravonda is struggling and her health is failing, but I can not tell you the joy it brought to my heart to add a smile to her face and make her laugh in her moments of awareness. Lord, thank you for that.
Sunday had the day free, which rarely happens, so I took immediate advantage of the opportunity to go visit my grandmother & some of my family "for Christmas." I love this woman! She's a mess!

I am excited to say that this week is over, I am going to bed, and best of all...I will NOT be waking up at 5:30 in the morning! I am not even going to set my alarm!! Best feeling ever!! Now, watch me get up early just out of habit now....Stay tuned! ;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Prayer Request

If you will please, please take a moment to pray for Ravonda Mauldin of Lincolnton, NC. She is a sweet friend to my mother, with 2 girls, Haley, a senior in high school, & Alana, 23. She is losing her battle with cancer & Alana tells me the doctor has given her a couple more weeks to live. Please pray that God's healing mercy be upon Ravonda's body & the hearts and souls of her children & everyone who loves her. This is such a difficult time and I'm not sure there's anything we can do, BUT PRAY. So please, take a moment and lift this family up tonight and in the upcoming days. The Lord knows they will surely need it! Miracles happen every day & I am not above thinking God can't work one today in this family! Pray pray pray!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Just a Thursday evening-o-fun!

Today started off so negative & ended on such a good note! THANK GOD! I woke up hurting before I even got out of the bed. Well, I guess that's the definition of "woke up" (still being in the bed, ya know) but moving on... three Aleves and a pain pill later and I was Good. To. Go. I got my errands ran & bought a pretty piece of jewelry from Tori's Premier Jewelry party. My sweet friend, Tori, has supported me through my Premier party & also to my Mary Kay party, so, I must also support her & her attempt to get some pretty {and free!} jewelry! If you are interested in hosting a Premier party, let me know & I will give you the contact info of Jaime, Alex's cousin who sells it. :)

I also gave a new friend, Carlee Carpenter, her free Mary Kay facial tonight! Yep, that's right! 100% free! I really enjoyed it, getting to know a little about her, chit chatting about makeup, teaching techniques I've learned over the years & letting her try something new with her makeup! She looked great! I love helping making girls feel fabulous! And that helps me with my goal to do 30 faces in 30, hit me up for YOUR free facial!! :)

Meet Carlee :)

The night then ended with my boy RAs coming for a visit to entertain me. No actually, they wanted a free facial...but, I won't get into all that because I told them I wouldn't. But, they were fun to hang out with! They spent the night going through my iPod, telling me "You don't know about no {insert old artist here}" me scenarios of me listening to certain bands...for example, "This is Nicole, driving down the road, mad, listening to {insert rock band name here}." Bradley & all of his masculinity stopped by for a bit, while we waited on Maria to come watch Jersey Shore with us. Bradley's my new RA & quite a hoot!
Michael, Tyler, & Bradley - Ike security! LOL

Jersey Shore wasn't nearly as good as it was last week...but, it sparked some good convo between the four of us! Haha! Which reminds me to say: I sure am thankful that I am in a committed relationship with a trustworthy guy! I can not imagine living in paranoia, fear, and worry that I will be cheated on. Some of y'all girls out there, I don't know how you do it.

Ahh... how a positive attitude and a little pain pill can brighten a girl's day!! :) I am thankful it quickly turned around....I would have missed out on some fun for sure!!

365 Project: Day 2: Baby gets a bath

Baby got a bath, hated me for a solid hour, but then was the happiest dog afterward. This is how it always goes. She shivers in the tub the whole time out of fear {like I've tried to drown her before or something!} and then won't look at me for a good period of time after I get her out of the tub. Anyways, this is her, after her bath. Looking like a wet dog but can we PLEASE focus on the size of her pupils?! Geez Louise!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Team Taylor!

Watch this to learn a little about why I love Taylor Swift as much as I do. Seriously, the girl is awesome! How could you not love her, even if it's only for her positive energy? Her music never fails to put me in a good mood! And for that, I love her. ♥

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

So long sweet holiday season...

It was a sad day in my apartment. I began taking my Christmas decorations down. I realized I forgot to post pics of my little Christmas decorations. There's only so much you can do in a dorm apartment! Oh but don't you worry, I racked up on clearance Christmas decorations so wherever I place my head next Christmas will be decked out for sure!! Until then...I will remember the scent of my Balsam & Cedarwood Christmas candle & these sweet little mementos :) I also will introduce you to my budget-friendly buys from the past! You know I don't buy anything unless it's on sale!

Kitchen table & chairs - $30 at Goodwill

$1 ceramic carolers & $1 glittered Christmas tree at The Dollar Tree

Red napkins found at Wal-Mart & red charger found at Goodwill for $3. The rest is my usual plate set with a yellow napkin.

Rite-Aid Christmas Clearance last year

My 1st ever (& only!) REAL Christmas tree. It was a baby tree! $17 at Wal-Mart, complete with tree stand and bowl. Lights & Santa hat also at Wally World!

Loved my "Abercrombie" Christmas lights!

"But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.'" -Luke 2:10-11 {Plate found at the Southern Home Christmas Show!}

Rite-Aid Christmas Clearance light-up houses & trees

Lifeway Christian Bookstore Christmas Clearance for the PEACE decor & RB Cronland's in Lincolnton's Christmas Clearance for the pearl garland

Dollar Store

Charlie Brown Christmas Tree found for $7 at Ollie's!

$1 at the Dollar Tree

Rite-Aid Christmas Clearance

Lifeway Christian Bookstore Christmas Clearance

cute little ceramic nativity scene for $1 at the Dollar Tree

I can't wait to share with you next year what all fabulous finds I found this year!

Until then, there's only 348 days until next Christmas! ;) Until then, have a blessed 2011!

Total rambling on my part....rambling with a purpose

I love how the Lord moves in you when you least expect it.

I know how people say God gives you a peace beyond understanding, but for this season in my life, I am praying for energy & motivation  beyond understanding! The Lord needs not only to move in me, but move ME! Set my heart on fire for what HE desires in my life & help me move towards that goal. I'm telling you now, it won't happen otherwise. I am human. I am lazy. I lack(ed) motivation. I procrastinate. I at times wish to take the easy route. So God, I know you're listening: Get. Me. Going!

I am excited about starting anew. Starting a new day, a new week, a new semester, a new internship, new friendships, and my new business in Mary Kay! The desire of my heart is to make things different, BE BETTER in all that I do. Put forth more of myself & make more of an effort.

I realized (one of) my problem(s). I have a lot I want to do, and get overwhelmed with that to-do I-want list, that I just say, "I'll get to it." And then by the end of the day, I'm tired, and that "I'll get to it" turns into "I'll get to that tomorrow." And then tomorrow it was, "What was I gonna do again?" & while I think about it, I get on Facebook! Oh, the life...

So tonight I began my list of everything I want to accomplish in a day. That way, I can attempt to hold myself accountable when I sit on Facebook. I can ask myself, "what else do I have to do before I can spend time on here?" Because Lord knows I will be on Facebook, getting sleepy, & then head to bed without getting what needs to be done done! There are silly things on this list, like "make the bed" but I am so Type-A. I need a list. I need to check things off the list. And if it's not on a list, it might not get done. What can I say? I am my father's daughter.

Tonight I was going through my Mary Kay order, sorting everything out & bagging everything into cute pink bags with ribbon, and I came across my new microdermabrasion set. {Please note that I also have ADD, so, I am easily distracted.} I thought, "Oh wow! I wanna try that tonight!" but I am so weird about applying skin care. I want it to be first thing in the morning or right before bed. So what did I need to do? Get in the shower & wash my face so I can use the microdermabrasion set. I always get so side-tracked with what I need to be doing {clean my kitchen!} & go off into LaLa land, doing what hit me that very moment. That's got to stop or else I'll get nothing done. BUT, my face feels FABULOUS tonight!!

Side note: In the shower I had some NICE prayer time with the man upstairs! I love it when that happens! I feel like the shower is "my prayer closet" as my preacher, Mike Devine, calls it. It is a {pretty dim lit} "box" where I am warm & comfortable & not worried about anything or anyone else. It's the perfect time for one-on-one with God if you have time to just stand there under the relaxing hot water. :) In that prayer time, I developed my "I Story" for my business, which is my inspiration for joining Mary Kay and what I hope to achieve in the future. I would love to share it with you some time.

My simple point in this was to say that I am excited for the future. Excited for the days & weeks to come. Excited to see my business grow and for this semester to be one of the best, as well as fly by! ;) I am excited to see what GOD will do in my life and who He will bring into it! Lord, prepare my heart for this season because I can not do it without you!!

OH! & another thing I want to start doing is GETTING PLACES EARLY! If you know me, you know I'm never early and rarely on time. I am sorry. It's inconvenient, rude, and so on & so forth. I know and I never intend to be late it always "just happens!" I want to strive to be on time, and early if possible, but let's not get carried away. So what does that mean? Ok, so, I have to be somewhere at 9:45ish in the morning. I will be realistic and give myself two hours to shower, dry & fix my hair, apply my makeup, eat breakfast, find something to wear, & take my dog out. {Yep, that will take about 2 hours} What does that mean? I have to get up at the latest by 7:45. The dishes need to be done and a(nother) load of laundry started. I am going to set my alarm for 6:45, snooze til 7 {a bad habit of mine I don't think I'll ever be able to break} & get up & see what I can get done in those 45 extra minutes I gave myself!

It's 1:33AM now, which means I will hardly get five hours of sleep. Ironically enough, another thing I absolutely have to start doing is get more sleep. Good thing I'm sleepy now so it probably won't take my usual 30-45 mins to get to sleep.  Let me tell you: five hours of sleep isn't nearly enough for me, so pray for me as I begin my day tomorrow. Pray I can get up & get going! Pray I stay productive during the day. Pray I can get everything on my list done. It's realistic. It's possible! Let's just hope that I maintain this blessing I call motivation that I received tonight out of nowhere. I am praying for energy & motivation beyond understanding...because Lord knows this girl needs more than 5 hours of sleep!!

Any suggestions you wanna send my way as I begin this venture to betterness? Send them my way! & I apologize if this was complete nonsense-sounding, rambling to the nth degree. It's late; forgive me!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Focus: Dealing with Worry....

I saw this message on Kimberly's blog. It is such a great message. We worry like crazy over things that would work themselves out with a short amount of time. The worry box is such a good idea that I would like to try...I don't know how successful I would be "setting aside a time to worry" but I would love to journal {but what did I say about me & journaling?} my worries & then later go back & see how {& how quickly} they worked themselves out, not needing the worry! 

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" -Matthew 6:25-27

"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." -Psalm 55:22

"So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -Matthew 6:34

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." -Proverbs 3:5-6 (New Living Translation)

"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." -Proverbs 12:25

it's the small things....

This wasn't a New Years resolution for me, although it may seem like one....but I am doing something I should have been doing for years. I am changing the way I look at certain situations and finding the small blessings that God provides me each day! Sounds simple, but at certain times it's hard to do- but don't worry...God has blessed me time and time again for it. I feel like I should journal these things each and every day so I can go back and look at what I usually would have gotten ill at, and then saw how God turned the situation into blessings in disguise! However, let's be realistic. I always start a journal & never continue it. Why? I don't know because I think the idea is awesome. Maybe I don't do it until I'm sleepy, or maybe I get to writing too  much then get overwhelmed, maybe I just forget about it, or maybe, just maybe, I am too lazy. Either way, I *think* about journaling, but since I don't actually journal, I am hoping I keep a good memory of God's daily mercies. And like I's the small things!! For example, yesterday I was a little ill at a friend, but reminded myself to be empathetic. When I did that, I realized the blessing in things not going exactly my way and learned I will benefit more from this thing that made me ill in the first place. Thanking God for this thing was the right thing to do. He was behind it all. He is looking after me and my best interests and I must always remember that. And then, I went into Office Max to print my fabulous Mary Kay director, Dana Andrews, her planner and the guy behind the counter asked me if I had my Mary Kay discount card. Not having a clue what he was talking about, he told me that Mary Kay consultants get {pretty nice} discount at Office Max!! That is AWESOME news!! I am always loving a discount...and it comes in handy with my new planner business! ;) I feel like that was a {not so} random blessing!! It's not huge news, but it was happy news that  brightened my day! I am excited to see what this day will bring!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy January 4th

Beware: this post is a cheesy love post. Continue reading if you can stand it.

This day, eight years ago, I told my best friend that I would be his girlfriend. I knew the day was coming because about a month before he kissed me and I just *knew* that he would not break my heart because like I said...we were best friends. We were inseparable. Everyone joked and said we should date but for the longest time we said, "Why would we date? We are just friends. We are too good of friends!" Everyone else knew better. They knew the day was coming when Alex would be "Nicole's boyfriend" and Nicole would be "Alex's girlfriend" before we knew it. But either way, they were right, and I am happy they were right!

 Summer 2002 - our first picture - JUST friends :)

I am not going to lie and say Alex and I were the most sweetest, loving high school couple ever. We weren't. We fought about stupid stuff and broke up here and there, only to get back together shortly afterwards. We were YOUNG. I need to remember that. We weren't "let's get married" serious. We were dumb about the way we handled things and had no idea what a "real" relationship was built on at that time. We just knew we wanted to be together. I think we loved each other before we started dating. It just made sense for us to start dating. That's what friends who love each other do.

Fall 2002 - Friends, in love :)

But were we thinking about the future? Not on January 4th, 2003 we weren't. Or at least I don't think we were. But if friends who love each other date, then what? Do friends who love each other date and then break up? {In our case yes, lol} but if the love and the friendship is strong enough then nothing can separate them. Okay, well maybe SOME things can at a point in time, but in the end, nothing.

Here we are....eight years later, together. All the fusses, fights, arguments, separations, other people, space {and the list goes on} were not able to pull us apart and keep us apart. And that's what matters. This is one of the reasons why I am a firm believer in "What is meant to be, will be." It's not because I love cheesy love quotes {and I do love me some cheesy love quotes} but I also REALLY believe it. I've been shown that what God wants together, He provides a way to bring together.

I love Alex. He's my best friend, still. Sure, we still fight. Who doesn't? But there's a tremendous difference in then and now, thank God!! We are GROWING. We are still a work in progress and probably always will be. But one good thing that I get to *continue to* grow up with my best friend by my side, no matter what.

I am a lucky girl and I need to remember that! :) 
We both look SO different. That's what 8 years will do to ya!

Happy January 4th, Alex! {Even though you will probably never see this!} :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I know it's not technically 1-1-11 anymore because it's past midnight, but that's not how I do things. To me, it's still the same day until I go to bed!

I have heard a little less about new years resolutions this year. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the world is slowly learning that they are just words and are worthless without added effort behind them.

While I have many things I wish and hope for myself in this upcoming year, I have vowed to *not* have a resolution this year. Every year I usually end up {eventually} getting lazy, or busy, or a little of both and lose sight of my new years resolution. Either way, by mid-year, heck, maybe mid-January, I am like "oh crap, well, A for effort, right?" and go on with my life.

Not this year! This year I'm being more practical with my "new years resolution." It's more like a new life resolution. I would love to be able to say I don't give up this year, that I keep on keepin' on until I get closer and closer to my goal, no matter WHAT goal that is. That if I fail, I don't stop trying. I will definitely have my bad days, but this year, I hope that I don't get stuck in a rut. I hope I accept myself for my faults and don't let that stop me from having what I want. I hope to have less excuses and more success stories!

I don't think that's too much to ask for 2011.

As my girl Taylor Swift says...
"it's the end of a decade, but the start of an age..."

I can't wait to see what this "age" has in store for me! What will this year hold?? Only time will tell, but I pray that God guides my steps and gives me strength to face whatever 2011 has to bring!

So far, it's been one day of 2011 and I slept in, did some Mary Kay work, did a lot of lounging around, and spent my evening with my Mom and my boyfriend, laughing until we cried and enjoying some good ol' TV-on-DVD. Not a bad start if I do say so myself... :)

Reality Check

It just hit me. I go back to Hickory in less than 2 days. This Christmas break is almost OVER.

Did I tell you I had 11 {yea, that's not a typo- I said ELEVEN} papers to write before mid-January & planned to do some over break? Well, guess what...I didn't. Did I tell you I wanted to get on a good sleep schedule while I was at home? Didn't do that either.

My first week of break was full of last  minute Christmas things and spending time with some of my friends I hadn't seen in a while! then came the two days of Christmas, followed by a *fabulous* snow storm that started Christmas morning, and then a couple days of Christmas clearance shopping... and then the rest is a blur!! Time has flown by and that is not good!!

It's funny about time flies when you don't want it to & ticks slowly along when you're anxiously awaiting something! That figures. I guess we all need to learn to cherish those special moments because they'll be gone before you know it and to be a little more patient and a little less anxious for those things we are waiting on. Easier said than done....*trust* me!

Now that I know it's coming I am anxious ALREADY. What was that...a whole one second before I quit practicing what I was preaching?? Great, Nicole... I say I'm anxious only because I dread what's coming...packing the car up & heading back to Hickory, only to need to unpack things, get things ready for the upcoming semester, taking down Christmas decor at my apartment, getting things ready for the new transfer freshmen coming in, oh, and those eleven papers I mentioned above. So much for a peaceful week before school starts!! I am just ready to get the car packed up and get up there and get it all DONE! I do *not* want to start this semester off with a messy apartment and a to-do list a mile long.

One thing I am looking forward to is living back in Hickory. I've probably gone to Hickory six times in the two weeks I've been home in Lincolnton. It's about a 25 minute drive, but six times...with rising gas price!! It gets old after a while. All my favorite stores are in Hickory & I do my grocery shopping at the Super Wal-Mart. {Lincolnton needs to hurry up & get theirs up & running!} Hickory also has something else Lincolnton doesn't have....and that, my friend, is a *Starbucks!*

I have never been a Starbucks coffee fan {therefore I don't usually go to Starbucks} but I found myself with two $5 gift cards, {much} thanks to sweet Maylen and sweet Maggie. :) I went up through the drive-thru and said to the man behind the speaker, "What do you have hot and non-coffee tasting?" He listed a couple seasonal-sounding drinks that sounded a bit nasty to me, until he said the beautiful words..."and we have a caramel apple spice." My world will now never be the same. says, "If you’re longing for the toasty warmth of a woolly blanket and crackling fire but don’t have the luxury of escaping to a cabin, we suggest a freshly steamed Caramel Apple Spice. Prepared from 100% pressed apple juice sweetened with cinnamon syrup, whipped cream and our own buttery caramel sauce, it strikes a soothing balance between sweet and tart that never fails to hit the spot."

Doesn't that just sound delicious??? Trust me, IT IS! I get it with no whip cream on top {and usually spill it all over my arms as I am walking into class}. Just go ahead, take my word for it, and go on out & get you one before they quit selling it because I'm sure it's a seasonal drink! You can thank me later.