Monday, September 27, 2010

My fab new planner!

The time has come! How do I know? ... well, by looking in my super cute, new, self-made planner... that's how!

Do you ever get sick and tired of getting sick and tired of your current planner? I know I sure do did and I hear a LOT of others complain about theirs as well.

I knew what I wanted {kind of}...I wanted something that had the days of the week at the top and the times listed down the side, so I could put everything I need to do that day at the right time, in order instead of my planner looking like an unorganized hot mess!

Well, every planner I saw either started in 2011, the times on the side ended at 8pm {and if you know me you know that's the peak of my day & there's lots to do after 8pm!}, or it didn't have the other things I wanted in a planner, OR it was upwards to $20ish. {Holy cow!}

Sometimes I think to myself, "if it's what I want, and I finally found it, and there's nothing comparable elsewhere, then it's okay to splurge!" Well... I was not thinking that staring at these {lack of} options at every office supply store I went into.

I thought to myself, "I can do better than this!" ...and so I did. :)

All it took was a little time playing on Excel, and the wonderful free printing services on campus at Lenoir-Rhyne, and less than $4 spent at Office Max! Yep, less than four dollars and I have this:

VoilĂ !!

 I know, I know...horrible picture quality! Forgive me my camera, please

Here's a better shot of the cover, copied & pasted from my computer screen...

This is the Bible verse that's at the bottom of the cover....fitting {I believe} for a daily planner! :) And a cute font too if I don't mind myself saying... ;)

And then it opens up to a "notes page" if you will on the left side, and the weekly schedule on the right!
This is the Bible verse at the top of every notes page. Again, fitting for a daily planner {and a cute font!}. Click any pic to see it in a larger view.
On the right side is my weekly schedule. {Thought you planner-crazed people like me would appreciate this!} As you can see, I try not to schedule anything after 10:30 PM! :) And then added some more "notes" space at the bottom of the page. 

In the back I have two sets of calendars {that I deemed necessary for my new planner} for Res Life duty dates and events and then the other for upcoming school work due. They look a little something like this:

Oh yeah! I also added some blank paper at the end, ya know, just in case! :) And added tabs to each section to separate the calendars. The backing is black cardstock and the entire thing is coil bounded so I can lay it flat or flip the pages back. It also has a clear plastic cover. :) 

Anyways, a lot of you have been asking about the planner I've been talking about making, so, here it is! I love it {as you can tell}! & again, it was less than $4! You can NOT beat that....especially for something that fits your exact needs!

If you want me to make you a customized planner, let me know! I loved doing it! :)

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