Wednesday, August 31, 2011

2 Shakes a Day!!

I got up early this morning, somewhat involuntarily, and made a Vi Shake for breakfast. Mom was up so we made ours together. By the time I went to go take a picture of Mom's she apologized because it was gone! It must have been good, haha! She did say, "Man that was good! I wish I could have another one right now instead of waiting for lunch!" So, that tells ya something!

Her shake was a chocolate banana shake but was yummier than mine yesterday! She used:
  • 8 oz. Wal-Mart brand vanilla soy milk
  • 2 scoops Vi Shake mix
  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder
  • & ice! 
I used a whole banana and 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder yesterday, so maybe that was why mine was "off."

Mine today was SUPER yummy!! I used:
  • 8 oz. Wal-Mart brand vanilla soy milk
  • 2 scoops Vi Shake mix
  • 5 whole frozen strawberries
  • & ice!
Super simple & super yummy! It was a thick shake! I'm not gonna lie! {I feel like I have said that a lot, haha!} I had to eat some of it with a spoon. My blender couldn't blend the top of the the shake as well as I would have wished...but it still was yummy!! Maybe it was all the ice! I'm still learning. :)

I swear... these shakes are big! I have to sit & do something while I eat them. It'll definitely keep me busy on the drive to Gastonia every day soon when I start my new job! That is a good thing. You don't want to be done in five seconds and wonder where the rest of your meal went!

I was out during lunch so I had a 6" sub from Subway! That means I had to have a shake for dinner! I wanted to make it good, since I love me some dinner! I decided to have a Reese's Vi Shake!! Someone told me what they use in theirs, but I need measurements!! I am not a chef that can just wing it! ;) So I googled a Reese's Vi Shake recipe to see how much of each ingredient to use.

The recipe called for:
  • 8 oz. skim milk
  • 2 scoops Vi Shake mix
  • 1 tsp. sugar free/fat free chocolate pudding mix
  • 1 tsp. all natural peanut butter
  • & ice! 
Soo... funny story: I had some pudding mix in my pantry, so this was perfect! AND some all natural peanut butter! It was just *meant to be!* But I couldn't find my teaspoon measuring cup. I found the 1/2 tablespoon measuring cup, and thought it was the 1/2 teaspoon one, so, I probably doubled my ingredients!! Oops!!

That was way too much peanut butter, so I just added more chocolate and it was YUM!! Can't wait to try that again soon!!

AND.... GET THIS!!!! I realized this afternoon that it has been TWO DAYS since I had a Mello Yello!!! OR any other soft drink! Haha... but this Mello Yello deal is a BIG DEAL!! I'm not gonna say that I'll keep this up, but that's 2 days less that I've filled my body with the delicious poison that is a soft drink. ♥

I also did half an hour on the elliptical today, burning 250 calories! WooHoo!!

Less soft drinks + more protein & nutrients + consuming a LOT less calories + burning calories on the elliptical = GOOD THINGS!!! I can not WAIT to begin seeing results!!

Want to try Vi Shakes??? Watch the videos about ViSalus and click "Join the Challenge!" at 

& Click Here to all my blog posts about my experience with Vi Shakes!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Vi Shakes vs. SlimFast shakes!!

Check out this site to see a comparison of Vi Shakes vs. SlimFast shakes!! I used to drink SlimFast shakes...the powder kind you have to mix with milk, not the liquid kind already mixed...and I can honestly tell you that I will NEVER drink another SlimFast again!!!

Want to try Vi Shakes??? Watch the videos about ViSalus and click "Join the Challenge!" at 

& Click Here to all my blog posts about my experience with Vi Shakes!!

My 1st Vi Shake!!

My doctor told  me I need to quit wasting time doing weights {right now} & {in a nutshell} do cardio & lots of it! I need to improve the circulation in my legs, as they are looking worse & worse lately. :( SO! That's what I've been doing...

I've worked myself up to an HOUR on the elliptical today!! I did it using the "Variety" program the elliptical at the gym has. I did 4.7 miles and burnt 500 calories in that hour!! It felt GREAT!! I wasn't tired or anything after my workout, which is unusual for me.

Is it a coincidence that I had the energy to do that after I had my first Vi Shake?!? I sure hope not!

This morning I woke up super late {loving the chance to do that, by the way!} so I had a brunch shake for my first shake. I made a banana & chocolate shake. For this shake, I used:
  • 2 scoops of the shake mix
  • 8oz. vanilla soy milk
  • 1 tbsp of Nestle cocoa powder {I heard it was a good replacement for the chocolate flavor mix}
  • 1 banana
  • & some ice!

Mom tried her first Vi Shake today too!! She just used the Silk Light chocolate soy milk and the 2 scoops of mix. I'm not gonna tasted a lot like a SlimFast {the powder kind, not the already mixed liquid kind}. She liked it though but is excited about adding fruit & things to her next shake(s).

My 1st Vi Shake!
Also, I'm gonna be honest...mine was a little "off." I don't know if it's because of the type of cocoa mix I used, or if I used too much, or if I didn't use enough ice, or what. It was just wasn't great!! The reason why I ordered Vi Shakes are because I tasted them and they were YUMMY! I just have to figure out "my" way to make them. I know you can add ice, or not, or blend longer to make it thicker, etc. I've just got to figure out what ingredients and type of milk I like best and then get to taste-testing!! 

I am super excited about trying another type tomorrow!! I think I'm going to try vanilla soy milk and strawberries!! Yum!!

OH! And I also measured myself today for the first time. I forgot to weigh myself but I'll do that tomorrow. Don't think I'm sharing those measurements with you all. I'll think about it once I've lost a lot of inches! ;) I am excited about tracking my progress!! I care WAY more about inches rather than pounds, although I would love to {eventually} lose 30 lbs!! Just fit me in all my jeans in time for fall .

Want to try Vi Shakes??? Watch the videos about ViSalus and click "Join the Challenge!" at 

& Click Here to all my blog posts about my experience with Vi Shakes!!

***UPDATE!***  Sweet Ashley from Life with Busy Bea informed me that the "offness" of my shake may be due to the Wal-Mart brand soy milk I bought. She said soy milks vary GREATLY in brands. I've never had soy or almond milk so I didn't know. Alex was just being his usual cheap frugal self and talked me into saving a whopping $0.50 by not getting the Silk brand. I'll have to remember that & just thought I would share that with my fellow VI Shakers!!! :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

100 Body by Vi Shake Recipes!

100 Body By Vi Shake Recipes
found on the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge Facebook page with my added comments in purple :)

With 100 Body By Vi Shake recipes, you can drink a shake per day for over 90 days and never drink the same shake twice!!

Any kind of Milk can be used in these shakes. I love Almond milk because it is Lactose free, low calorie and blends up rich and creamy. {But you can use chocolate soy milk, whole milk, skim milk... OR orange juice, water, or any other type of liquid you want!!}

I can't wait to start trying these recipes! I get my shake mix in the mail TOMORROW!  I am excited! {Can you tell?!} I've got to find a small blender. Apparently so many people around here are trying the Vi Shakes out that you can't find the small $12 blenders at any Wal-Mart around. 

Anyways, this blog will get long. I mean, there are 100 shake recipes here! :) Good thing they are like 1-2 lines each, but still. If I can ever figure out the "page break" thing then I'd make this post {appear} shorter, but until then... browse these recipes & check out my Body by Vi site to order you some shake mix & get started on the 90-day challenge!! 

& Click Here to all my blog posts about my experience with Vi Shakes!!

After Glow Smoothie: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) pomegranate juice, 4 oz. (1/2 cup orange juice), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen pineapple & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

All Berry Delight: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape Vishake mix, 1/4 cup frozen raspberries, 1/4 cup frozen blackberries, 1/4 cup frozen strawberries, ¼ cup frozen dark cherries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Almond Joy: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 tsp coconut extract, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder) & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Amaretto: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape Vi-Shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Ambrosia: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ tsp. coconut extract, ¼ cup pear slices, ¼ apple slices, ¼ cup frozen strawberries, ¼ cup frozen pineapple chunks, 1 peach flavor packet & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Angel Food Cake: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape Body By Vi Shake mix, ½ tsp. coconut extract, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Apple Cider Smoothie: 6 oz. unsweetened apple juice (or cider), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Apple Mango Freeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 Tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce, 1 cup frozen mango chunks & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Apple Pie: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape bodybyvi shake mix, 3 Tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Coconut Breeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 small frozen banana, 1 banana flavor packet, ½ tsp. coconut extract, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Kiwi Cooler: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 small frozen banana, 1 banana flavor packet, ½ cup fresh kiwi slices (peeled), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Cream: 8 oz. water, ¾ cup vanilla low fat yogurt, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 tsp. vanilla extract, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Nut Bread: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. butter extract flavoring, 1 banana flavor packet, 1 tsp. cinnamon, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Spice: 8 oz. Silk Light Vanilla Soy Milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape body by vi shake mix, 1 small frozen banana (6” inches), 2 Tbsp. ground flax seeds, pinch of cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Banana Split: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 Chocolate flavor packet, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat peanut butter, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Berry Blast: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen blackberries, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Berry Peachy: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape bodybyvi shake mix, ½ cup frozen peach slices, ½ cup frozen strawberries, 1 peach flavor packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Berries & Cream: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen raspberries, ½ cup frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Birthday Cake: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet, ½ tsp. butter flavoring (or butter buds), ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blackberry Apple Slush: 6 oz. unsweetened apple juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape vi-shake mix, 30 frozen blackberries & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blackberry Freeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen blackberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blackberry Pie: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blackberries, 1 Tbsp. Graham Cracker Crumbs, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Black Raspberry Vanilla Cooler: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 frozen blackberries, 15 frozen raspberries, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blended Coffee: 8 oz. (1 cup) coffee-instant, regular, prepared with water, 1 ½ cup skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blueberry Blaster: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen blueberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blueberry Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape vishake mix, 20 frozen blueberries, 1 tsp. graham cracker crumbs, 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blueberry Lemon Freeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 Tbsp. sugar-free instant lemon pudding mix, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blueberry Mango Smoothie: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, ½ cup frozen mango chunks, & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blueberry Peach Cobbler: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 frozen blueberries, 1 cup frozen peach slices, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blueberry Pie: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 2 Tbsp. Graham Cracker Crumbs, 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blueberry Pomegranate: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, ½ cup pomegranate juice & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blueberry Vanilla Pear: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen blueberries, ½ pear (chopped) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Blue Banana: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 frozen blueberries, 1 banana flavor packet (or 1/2 frozen banana), & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Butterfinger: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. sugar free butterscotch pudding mix, 1 Tbsp. reduced-fat peanut butter & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Butterscotch Mousse: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. sugar free butterscotch pudding mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

CafĂ© Latte: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. dry instant coffee powder & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Candy Cane: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen strawberries, ½ tsp. peppermint extract, 1 strawberry flavor pack & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Caramello: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 tsp. sugar free caramel flavoring & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cherry Almond Chill: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cherry Banana Breeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, 1 banana flavor packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cherry Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark unsweetened cherries, 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese, 2 dashes ground cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cherry Lemonade: 6 oz. crystal light lemonade, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cherry Orange Delight: 4 oz. orange juice, 4 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cherry Pineapple Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 oz. pineapple juice drained from can, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup pineapple, ½ cup frozen cherries & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cherry Limeade: 8 oz. vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. frozen limeade concentrate, 4 maraschino cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cherry Pineapple Chill: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, ½ cup frozen pineapple chunks, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cherry Spice: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries, 2 tsp. cinnamon & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Chocolate Almond Delight: 12 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 15 raw almonds, ½ tsp. coconut extract, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Chocolate Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Chocolate Covered Cherries: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 10 frozen dark sweet cherries, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 frozen strawberries, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat peanut butter, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Chocolate Peppermint: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 tsp. peppermint extract, 2 chocolate flavor packets (or 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender. For a hot chocolate treat, heat in microwave.

Chocolate Razzleberry: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/3 cup frozen raspberries, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cinnaberry: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 3 tsp. cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cinnamon Almond Cream: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 tsp. cinnamon & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cinnamon Bun: 8 oz. vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 tsp. butter buds (or butter flavoring) & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Citrus Berry: 4 oz. Almond milk, 4 oz. orange juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ cup frozen strawberries, 1 tsp. lemon juice & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Citrus Spice: 6 oz. orange juice, 2 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. lemon juice , 3 tsp. cinnamon & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Citrus Splash: 6 oz. sprite zero or diet sprite, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 1/2 Tbsp. lemon juice, ½ Tbsp. lime juice, & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Citrus Delight: 4 oz. water, 2 oz. orange juice, 2 oz. grapefruit juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 1 tsp. lemon juice & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Coco Mango: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 6 chunks frozen mango (1 cup), ½ tsp. coconut extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Coconut Lime Spritzer: 6 oz. sprite zero or diet sprite, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 Tbsp. lime juice, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 7 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Cranberry Crush: 8 oz. (1 cup) cranberry juice (no sugar added), 2 scoops shake mix, 4 frozen strawberries, 2 Tbsp. plain nonfat yogurt & 6 ice cubes.

Cranberry Citrus Splash: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) cranberry juice (no sugar added), 4 oz. orange juice (1/2 cup), 2 scoops shake mix, 1 orange flavor packet, 2 Tbsp. plain nonfat yogurt & 6 ice cubes.

Cran-Blueberry: 4 oz. (1/2 cup) cranberry juice (no sugar added), 4 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries & 5 ice cubes.

Dreamsicle: 8 oz. Vanilla Almond milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 Tbsp. orange juice concentrate or 3 Tbsp. orange juice, & 6 ice cubes.

Frozen Banana: 8 oz. Vanilla Almond milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 small frozen banana, 1 chocolate flavor packet & 6 ice cubes.

Fruit Bar: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 1 cup frozen raspberries, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 5 ice cubes.

Fruit Loop: 8 oz. water, 4 scoops shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, 1 orange flavor packet & 5 ice cubes.

Fruit Smoothie: 4 oz. water, 2 scoops shake mix, ½ small banana 6”, 6 frozen strawberries, ½ cup frozen pineapple & 5 ice cubes.

Fuzzy Navel: 4 oz. skim milk, 4 oz. reduced calorie orange juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup peach slices (frozen or canned) & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

German Chocolate Cake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet, 1 tsp. coconut extract, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Hawaiian Apple: 2 oz. unsweetened apple juice, 4 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup unsweetened apple juice, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Holiday Shake: 4 oz. skim milk, 4 oz. egg nog, ½ tsp. rum extract (optional), 1/8 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. nutmeg, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Honeydew Melon Dream: 4 oz. water, ¼ cup non-fat vanilla yogurt, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup (5 large chunks) honeydew melon & 4 ice cubes. Blend ice & water in blender first, then add shake mix & honeydew melon & blend.

Key Lime Pie: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 3 tsp. limeade concentrate, 3 tsp. graham cracker crumbs, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Kiwi Melon Freeze: 4 oz. water, ¼ cup non-fat vanilla yogurt, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup (3 large chunks) honeydew melon, 1 kiwi (peeled & cut-up) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Lemon Fizz: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries, 1 Neuro lemon packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Lemon Mango: 4 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen mango, 1 6 oz. fat free lemon yogurt, & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Lemon Meringue: 8 oz. skim milk, ¼ cup Simply Natural limeade, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. sugar free lemon pudding mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Limeade: 8 oz. vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. frozen limeade concentrate & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Mango Peach: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 6 chunks frozen mango, 3 slices frozen peaches, 1 peach flavor packet (or 3 additional frozen peaches), & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Monkey Shake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 small banana (6” inches), 1 Chocolate flavor packet, & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Neapolitan: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), 1 strawberry flavor packet (or 4 frozen strawberries), 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Orange Pomegranate: 8 oz. orange juice, 4 oz. pomegranate juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Papaya Mango Chiller: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2 slices papaya, 1 cup frozen mango & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Peach Cooler: 8 oz. Diet 7-up, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup peach slices (frozen), 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Peach Melon Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 4 large chunks frozen watermelon, 1 peach flavor packet & 8 ice cubes. Blend ice & water in blender first, then add shake mix & watermelon & blend.

Peach Dream: 8 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ¾ cup low fat vanilla yogurt, 1 cup peach slices (frozen or canned), 1 tsp. vanilla extract & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Peach Raspberry Blast: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen raspberries, 1 peach flavor packet & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Peanut Butter & Jelly: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. reduced fat peanut butter, 1 Tbsp. sugar free preserves/jelly & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Pear Berry Blizzard: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup sliced pears, 1 strawberry flavor packet & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Pear Glace Cooler: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup sliced pears, 3 chunks frozen watermelon, 1 peach flavor packet & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Pina Colada: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 large chunks frozen pineapple, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract, & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Pineapple Crush: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 6 chunks frozen pineapple (1/2 cup) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Pineapple Mango Tango: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen pineapple, ½ cup frozen mango chunks & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Pineapple Upside Down Cake: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ tsp. butter flavoring (or butter buds), ½ tsp. vanilla extract, ½ cup frozen pineapple, ¼ cup frozen dark sweet cherries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Plum Cooler: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 plum (pitted), juice of 1 lemon & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Pumpkin Spice: 8 oz. skim milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/3 cup canned pumpkin (without salt), 1/8 tsp. vanilla extract, 1/8 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. nutmeg & 2 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Purple Cow: 8 oz. Almond milk, 1 Tbsp. frozen grape juice concentrate, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 banana flavor packet (or 1/2 banana) & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Raspberry Freeze: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Raspberry Fizz: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries, 1 Neuro raspberry flavor packet & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Raspberry Mint Chocolate: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 30 frozen raspberries, ½ tsp. peppermint extract, 1 chocolate flavor pack (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder) & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Red, White & Blue: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup frozen strawberries, 1 strawberry flavor packet. Blend well in blender.

Root Beer Float: 4 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix…mix together in blender first. Add ½ cup ice. Add ½ can diet mug root beer (to taste) and pulse a few time to mix in.

Sex on the Beach: 4 oz. cranberry juice (no sugar added), 4 oz. reduced calorie orange juice, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup pineapple (frozen or canned) & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Snickerdoodle: 8 oz. light vanilla soy milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1 Tbsp. Honey & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Spiced Cranberry: 8 oz. cranberry juice (no sugar added), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. cinnamon & 8 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Spiced Peaches: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 peach flavor packet, ½ cup frozen peaches, 1 tsp. cinnamon & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Silky Latte: 4 oz. mocha soy milk (Silk Brand), 4 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Strawberry Almond: 8 oz. Silk Pure Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Strawberry Banana: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 2/3 cup frozen strawberries, 1 banana flavor packet & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Strawberry Blast: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen strawberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Strawberry Coco: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen strawberries (or 1 strawberry flavor packet), ½ tsp. coconut extract & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Strawberry Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet (or 4 frozen strawberries), 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Strawberry Mango Dream: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ cup frozen mango, ½ cup frozen strawberries & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Strawberry Melon Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 large chunks frozen watermelon, 1 strawberry flavor packet. Blend well in blender.

Strawberry Pina Colada: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 4 large chunks frozen pineapple, 4 frozen strawberries, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract, & 3 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Strawberry Shortcake: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 strawberry flavor packet, ½ tsp. butter flavoring (or butter buds), ½ tsp. vanilla extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Summer Slim: 8 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, ½ peach or 6 frozen peach slices, 6 fresh or frozen strawberries & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Thai Coconut Chiller: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 Tbsp. lemon juice, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Triple Chocolate Smash: 8 oz. Silk Light Chocolate Soy Milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder), 1 Tbsp. fat-free sugar-free chocolate pudding mix & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Tropical Delight: 4 oz. Almond milk, ½ cup reduced calorie orange juice (or 1 Tbsp. orange juice concentrate), 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen mango chunks, ½ tsp. coconut extract & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Tropical Dream: 8 oz. Vanilla Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 cup frozen pineapple, 1 chocolate flavor packet (or 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder) & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Tropical Teaser: 8 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1/2 cup frozen strawberries, 1 cup sliced mango, ½ cup frozen pineapple & 4 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Turtle Cheesecake: 6 oz. Almond milk, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 1 tsp. sugar free caramel flavoring, 2 oz. fat-free cream cheese, 3 pecans & 5 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Very Berry: 8 oz. sparkling water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 10 frozen raspberries, 6 frozen strawberries, & 2 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Watermelon Slush: 6 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 5 large chunks fresh watermelon & 8 ice cubes. Blend ice & water in blender first, then add shake mix & watermelon & blend.

Wild Berry Blast: 8 oz. water, 2 scoops Vi-Shape shake mix, 8 frozen raspberries, 4 frozen strawberries, 15 frozen blueberries & 6 ice cubes. Blend well in blender.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Step 1 of the Body by Vi Challenge!

My friend Jessie had a "Body by Vi" party last week and I attended it, never having heard of the Body by Vi 90 day challenge. After she told me, I knew it'd involve meal replacement shakes, but other than that, I was clueless. Well, I went in, watched the DVD, but more importantly.. tasted the shakes, and was convinced to try them {for at least 1 month}. It also helped that the woman "above" Jessie in the company, who I also know, was there, telling us about all this weight people were losing in just a matter of 1-3 weeks! If I know people personally that things work for, I'm more convinced to try it. It's not like random paid actors who are on commercials who obviously don't use the product. So, I want to give it a go! I have placed my order for my first month's worth of shakes and am hosting a party to share the opportunity with friends next week! I am going to {try really hard to} blog my journey with this. Ale's wedding is October 15th so I have some work to do!! Of course I'm going to keep working out, but these shakes have so much excellent nutritional value that I will be surprised if I don't FEEL better after starting to drink them after a couple days. We shall see... stay tuned!!

Oh! And want to try the shakes? Visit and check out the videos. The 2nd one is amazing, showing you all the things you would have to eat to get the nutritional value of ONE of these 90 calorie shakes!! You can "Join the challenge" from this site as well, which just means you place an order to get some shake mix!! Feel free to comment below if you have any questions or want to try them!!

I would LOVE to have you join me on this challenge!!

Click Here to all my blog posts about my experience with Vi Shakes!!

Calling BS on Healthy Eating

"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." -Kate Moss

Amen sister! Now, if we all could just get past that part about the food tasting good, we'd be set.

This article {that I'm totally going to copy & paste} called "Calling BS on Healthy Eating" sums it up pretty well!....
In the past year, my friends have started this sick disturbing trend of eating healthy. Green things that aren’t smokable are showing up to our potlucks with more and more frequency, leaving me awash in a sea of confusion as I carry a box of cupcakes to the table. “OMG, tempting but no thanks. I’ll just devour some more of this amazing kale and beet salad. God, I’m such a Kirstie Alley right now!”

Wait, did I miss the memo? When did we transition from college meals of spaghetti tossed in an Adderall reduction sauce to kale salads, market veggies, and seitan? I mean, I’m all about eating healthy because it makes you happy and skinny and is, like, good for you and stuff. And I’ve definitely noticed lately that our bodies are changing. We can’t just binge eat on pad thai and expect our body to forget about it. It’s gotten to the point where it never forgets. That being said, can we stop pretending that the junk food never happened? Can we stop pretending that the fourth meals, the Sour Patch Kids, and pizza did not exist? I know you’ve entered a new phase in your eating life but, come on. Show some love for the things that are bad for you. Give it a quick kiss.

The delusion is what bothers me. People would like you to believe that eating a bowl of lettuce is comparable to a slice of red velvet cake. “Oh wow, I’m so hungover right now. This lettuce really hit the spot.” No, it didn’t! I want to scream at them (complete with waving my arms wildly in public) about their sordid past. I want to remind them of the food we used to embrace together. Fact: Food that will clog your arteries and kill you tastes the best. It’s one of life’s cruelest jokes and the primary reason why losing weight is so difficult. Saying no to the things that feel good in the moment but ultimately hurt us is a struggle in everyone’s life. Even though I’m happy to see my friends win the battle, I also secretly want to poison their brussel sprouts with some deep fried bread crumbs.

I just want things to be out in the open. I want people to say that eating healthy is sort of a bitch and, yes, I would like a bite of that cupcake. I would like Jennifer Aniston to admit that she has a good body because she’s extremely disciplined, works out constantly and rarely succumbs to any food cravings. Let’s just be real. Keeping fit is hard work so stop pretending that your prohibitive diet is delicious. It makes all of the people who aren’t as fit feel bad about themselves. “Why don’t I love broccoli as much as my friend does? Is something wrong with me?! Should I be craving brown rice right now instead of a burrito?!” Hell no. Eating healthy is all about eating the brown rice while imagining it to be a giant burrito. Don’t let anyone tell you different.
Can I get another Amen?!

On a related side note... I wonder if I've lost weight. People keep telling me that I look like I have, but I don't know if I have. I don't think I'm going to find out either, even though I found my scale today. It'd just piss me off to be working out, eating better, doing cardio until I throw up and to NOT lose weight. Numbers don't really mean anything to me anyways. If I can get into my old jeans, I'd be a happy girl. 

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I, like so many of you, am LOVING this weather!! My all-time favorite season is Fall and it is fast approaching, and you can tell!! I am loving these cooler days, cooler nights, the breeze blowing and not having to worry about so much dang humidity!! It's only a matter of time before all of the trees look {something} like this:
I. can. not. WAIT!!!!

I am loving {the idea of} Mello Yello Zero. Soft drinks account for so much of us Southerners' caloric intake, but we can't seem to shake it. I personally hate the taste of diet soft drinks. The taste of Mello Yello Zero isn't my favorite {nothing can compare to the real thing} but the idea of it makes me smile. I bought a 12-pack and am hoping to finish them before Christmas. ;)

I am loving all this TIME that I have. Oh wait...before I go there... I am loving the fact that I got a JOB! I don't think I've told you {blog followers} that yet! Yes, I got a job for the agency that I interned at this summer, Support Incorporated. I LOVE the company and everyone there so I can't wait to start working for them! I consider it all such a blessing. :)

I am loving Mary Kay's new Lash Love Mascara!! I thought our Ultimate Mascara was amazing... yeah, I don't think I've opened mine since I got the new Lash Love Mascara! That tells you something! You have GOT to try it! If you want to try it, let me know. It's $15 & comes in black & brown!  Email me at or order at  Check out this before & after picture... {or, well the after & before picture}:
The proof is in the photos! Try it for yourself! AND, Mary Kay is offering a Limited Edition Lash Love Bundle. The Lash Love mascara {in black} with an Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover {best stuff ever} with an eyelash curler for $30! I'm not gonna lie...the mascara's $15 and the eye makeup remover's $15- so if you buy both you get a free eyelash curler!! Not bad though considering these are two amazing products!!

What are you loving this Wednesday?

Side note: I'm such a geek but I wish more of my friends blogged. :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bridesmaid Dresses!

J.CREW has some fabulous bridesmaid dresses! NO, I AM NOT ENGAGED! But I know someone who issssssss!!! Can you tell I'm excited?! This blog post is mainly to show her our options! :) She wants brown, so I'm showing the non-strapless dresses in brown if they are available online. Otherwise, I'm showing y'all in another color, but all these dresses are available in brown! :) I wonder which one we will be wearing?!?!

Alisanne dress in silk taffeta ~ $235

Sinclair dress in silk chiffon ~ $235

Faye dress in silk organza ~ $250

Louisa dress in silk chiffon ~ $225

Lucienne one-shoulder dress in silk chiffon ~ $235

Evie dress in silk chiffon ~ $198

Blakely dress in silk taffeta ~ $250

Ruthie dress in silk taffeta ~ $250
#s 2 & 5 are my favorites!! Flowy is in :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hair Extensions

I am watching The Lincoln Lawyer with my Mom and researching hair extensions. Maybe I can get them for an early birthday present. Either way, I'm seriously considering getting them.

I have some clip-in hair extensions. True story: I bought some hair at Sally's and had my friend Jessica help me cut it to fit my head, sew the clips on the hair, and cut them to fit my hair.
I went from this...

to this...
I know it wasn't the most drastic change ever, but it was fabulous!! It gave me the length I wanted and my hair was oh so thick!! 

I would put them back in my hair.... but my hair's this color now...
Same dress in the pic to give you a more of an accurate before & after! Haha! My hair was recently cut and it's not this long, and it has been thinned out and well, I just can't wait five years for it to grow as long as I want it to get!

I've been researching online the pros and cons of various types of extensions. This site was informative, as well as this site, and the Kardashian girls' websites were little help FYI. Haha! I want to know what type of extensions they get. I am IN LOVE with their hair. Kourtney is the only one that blogged about getting extensions and  I did see this picture of her getting extensions sewn in, so obviously that's the type she uses.
It seems like the most healthy for your hair but I still haven't decided what type I want yet.

What do you know about hair extensions?
Ever tried them?
Send me any personal info you have on the subject. It's an investment and I don't want to jack my hair up!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Beach with my Boy

I just got back from a week-long vacay with my boyfriend and his family. I haven't had a week-long vacation in QUITE some time {years} so, I enjoyed it very much!! We had such a good time sleeping in, playing cards, relaxing on the beach, eating some good food, and visiting Broadway, Ripley's Aquarium, and other places! Here's some pics from our trip!

This is me holding a baby shark this guy caught at the pier!

And look at all these sharks at the Ripley's Aquarium.....

This looks like a hologram but it's a real shark!

Crazy, right?!

Alex's amazing parents!
& our last night there, at Broadway... can you tell we were sick as dogs?!
We are ready to go back!! But I will not miss all that sand... yuck!! Give me a lake house with a pool and I'll be set for life! :)
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